Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Blog Explosion Is Amazing

Today I did the "no homework" dance. And it was great. Today I took a quiz in Spanish. And it was great. Today I tried to take a picture of a bird because I had no homework and figured I'd waste some time outside, taking pictures of birds. That, however, did not go great. Just the other day I went to Lowes with my father and I purchased a wild bird feeder so that besides me looking for the birds, the birds will come to me. Since we got it, I didn't see a damn bird go near it. So I realized that there's a lot of birds in my neighbor's bushes. Well, their bushes mark the dividing line of their yard. So therefore, you'd think it would be easy for me to take a picture of a bird in a bush in the middle of the winter with no leaves on the bush at all in which the bush is right there practically next to me, but it's not. It drives me crazy. You hear the damn things everywhere like they're right behind you or in the pine tree above you, but you just can't see them. There's a huge thorn bush behind my garage which is my neighbor's also (only God knows why they'd want a thing like that it a sign of territory?) and I found a flock of birds in the bush. Only problem. It's hard getting a clear shot. Well, I actually think I took a picture of a bird, but it's not what I wanted. There's thorns in the way and the whatnot. I want to take a picture of a bird right there in the grass in front of you. Only in the summer that occurs. Maybe a bird flying. I only see birds fly when I'm standing at the bus stop in the morning, camera-less. Maybe a bird eating seeds out of the damn feeder we got, but no! They rather go play in a thorn bush! I don't even know why I have this symptom to take a picture of a bird even...

I didn't make the Environthon team, but one of my best friends who I convienced to try out made it. Maybe it's a good thing I convienced him...

I was in the Blog Explosion shoutbox all day just because that thing is amazing. Nowhere else did I ever see a chatroom where you can have both your web cam and audio on it for others to view, plus get hits on your blog at the same time if anybody is interested. There's a lot of nice people there. Tons. I was doing my Spanish homework (which is due for Friday so it technically isn't homework until tomorrow, but I did it anyways) and everybody was jumping right in to help. Hell, I had a nice person phone up a friend to ask them what a word meant in Spanish. I would give a special shoutout to these people, but I cannot remrmber names for the life of me. The only people I remember right now is somebody with a "j" in there name, somebody with a "b" in there name, Outer, Croaker, and many others. Yet again like I'll say over and over again, I have a very short memory. Anyway, I have my web cam hooked up there and sometimes I hook my microphone hooked up also (only if I'm on my laptop though) so maybe if you're a regular reader here, sign up there and you'll be able to know me a lot better. On my first blog I made a little chat room but that didn't work out too well...

This is just a short post so I have no pictures, sorry. Have a good one.


Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying your blog, Buddy. I even headed over to runescape to try out the game, but it won't load up most of the time, too frustrating. Would like to see your bird pictures, too. (mostlynuts on BE)

Lana said...

that was so nice was Joisey and Bozette.