Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Great Alien War

I was reading this today while fooling around on Google after looking up a Ted Kooser poem for school and it freaked me out to all hell. This interview is supposed to be between a female alien that is living underneath the surface of our planet and a female human who was able to somehow arrange this interview through a friend who also encountered this alien. That's a mouthful right there and it sounds pretty unbelievable, but just read it all and let it sink it, then spit it back out. See, it sounds real and the green-beige skinned alien telling us about their history, and our history, and how stupid we are, and about how we're supposed to be slaves to tall pale skinned beings but they left the planet after a war and how they're supposed to return shortly for a great war to wipe us out, the seventh generation of man. See, I don't want to believe this shit or even think about it. For one, the damn alien is saying God isn't real. Screw her! God is real! I love God! See, I'm getting worked up over some text that one can't even believe. But for the human interviewer to even come up with this stuff who have to be a genius. Hopefully she is lying and she is a science fiction genius but damn, I'm just freaked out. Everybody saying the world is going to end in 2012 and now this great alien war coming about. If this is true, what is the point of writing this blog? The aliens will just take it away! Oh no! For crying out loud, I'm pissing my pants over this issue. How the aliens can just control our mind and tell us what to do. God...at least they don't want to eat us.

Now that I got that off of my chest and will probably still complain about it sometime later on, I must talk about school now. Yes. I have a speech due Friday (just a small one) and didn't start it yet. We have to pick topics from the book and do our speech on that. I plan on doing mine on the problems that America is facing today. Well, I'll tell you some problems that I'll probably use as my main points. High gasoline prices, the war in Iraq, and the freaking war of the worlds that is going on behind us. For freaking crying out loud, we have fourteen alien species living on our planet with three of those hostile!? No, no! Okay, I'm sane again. You know what? We do have aliens. Illegal aliens, that are human beings. Mexicans that come up from their borderline without any legal permission or any documents of any kind, or anybody else that comes sneaking into the U.S.A. or the same for any other country. That's an alien! Not a freaking green reptile that can control our minds living under our surface!

I'm sane again now. My face is all red and I believe I have high blood pressure right now. Like the time I was playing the Gamecube game Super Mario Strikers (I think that's it...) at Wal-Mart and my skin was red and burny as all hell for an hour afterwards. What was I talking about before I went insane and went ranting on about damn aliens? Oh yes, school. I have that speech due Friday, a Spanish test Friday, a civics test Thursday, and a Spanish family tree due for next Tuesday. That's a tad overwhelming for me right there. I mean, it wouldn't be, besides the fact that I can't find the answers for my civics essays anywhere in my head, I hate standing in front of the classroom delivering a speech about high gasoline prices, and that lyric poem I wrote got an A-! Oh Lord! An A-! I spent three days all day thinking of the poem and writing it and he comments on my paper that I over did it. Screw that! I'll over do him. And that pre chem test just had to have a little tricky essay on it, didn't it? I knew all the damn mole-mole, mass-mass, volume-volume, mass-volume, limited reactants, and percent yeild problems but not the damn essay!

I don't even know why I'm in a bad mood right now. I was fine all day but then I start going crazy over aliens. I tried to post here yesterday with some pictures but Blogger was down so alas here is a little story:

Yesterday after coming home from school, I had this unbearing desire to take a picture of a bird. Sure, I have a parakeet in a cage downstairs in my living room, but I wanted a picture of a wild bird. So I get changed, grab my camera, and paced around my yard looking for a bird. I heard the darn things around me everywhere but can't find one. All I found was a helicopter flying by overhead (note there are two different images there). So I gave up and walked inside because it was getting cold. I was warming up when I spotted on my kitchen counter bread. Yes, nice and fluffly bread; a magnet for birds in the middle of the winter. So I grab a piece and my camera and dashed outside, throwing the bread everywhere. And then sought out a hiding spot, finding one. This was my view of the field of bread from behind my hiding post. Long story short, I saw my dog. But in the end, I finally took a picture of a bird. Even though it's a little plastic.

I meant to post that yesterday. Don't expect any posts for the remainder of the week. Get ready for the alien war. Here are some random pictures. Have a good one:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Buddy. I feel your pain my friend. This is crazy stuff. I have Zechariah Stitchens books about Summerian alien gods who started the experments that lead to the homosapian of today (US). His books are well known. He wrote 6-7 in total. Google him. You can find some sites that have his books on-line for free or the major book stores.

I have to admit that some of the info from the old Sumer tablets (date pre-bible history) gel a little with this reptilian story. Plus David Icke at www.davidicke.com is a reliable place to get confirmation on these alternative subjects.

Oh well, I hope it helps to know your not alone on this kind of mind boggling stuff. This is the age of Aquarius and a new enlightenment is to start for mankind. Lets hope it doesn't get to crazy.

Signed, Fellow earth traveler D.C.

"You are were your attention takes you...In fact, you are your attention" - Great Poet Rumy

P.S. I found the follow up #2 transcript of this interview here: