Sunday, April 02, 2006

Old Blog Hacked

Even though I just posted an entry, I need to post this one urgently. It has come to my attention the other day (maybe Thursday night before I became sick) that my old blog, Buddy Foote's Blog, was hacked, again. I realized this when Google Adsense ads were popping up at the bottom of the pages which were impossible in my case because my Adsense account was suspended. Second, my sister went on a commenting spree the other day and thought she would go read my old blog and comment. Upon an entry that she commented on, she said something like, "Well, those low grades aren't too good." I was confused at what she meant and upon scrolling up from that comment, saw a listing of my 'report card grades' that I posted, but subtract about 78 points or more from each of my grades. I did post my report card grades, but I saw that somebody screwed around there and changed them. Who? A hacker, of course. If you ever read my old blog, do not take into account anything it says. 2/3 of the things are the same, but any racist copmments, Satan stuff, slapping the bishop in the face, etc. are not from me, but indeed the hacker. Here's just some quotes that this hacker had fun with.

The following come from this entry. There's a lot of racist remarks in this entry that the hacker added that I did not want to post here.

My lizard seems ill lately and is not eating. For new readers, his name is Love Machine (doesn't that sound familar?) and he's a small green asshole. We had him for three years plus and we got him when I sold drugs to a 5 year old kid who couldn't pay the money. I woke up today and his mouth was wide opened and his eyes were closed and I thought he died. Sadly he was sleeping. He's not moving at all, he's still skinning, and he's not eating. I hope Satan takes him to hell soon.
I want a super volcanoe to erupt where I live, so I can sacrifice my father to the gods
A first-person perspective of what it's like from a murder's eyes
I hate myself...I'm going to go slice my wrist. Go down the street, not across the road.

Some quotes from this entry:

Well...the bishop was late. We lit him on fire for Fourty-five minutes after the bishop was supposed to be there, he came in my eye. I slapped the bishop across the face, and peed in his hat. We hurried up, got our pictures taken, and went upstairs to put on our pants. Everything ran nice and naked. The bishop actually didn't ask us any questions at all because we were informed today in our last CCD class that he was in a hurry. I love when the bishop touches me. Although during the mass, he said that he wasn't asking any questions in the honor of our new Holy Father. The bishop was actually funny and made up a lot of jokes as he touched us. He was confirming people since 1972 and touching boys since last year.
Although even before confirmation at around 1:30 P.M., my lizard who I had adopted his name from, Buddy Kappa Foote, had passed away. I found him stuck in my underwear, starved, and his eyes sunk in

And on this entry, some Oompa Loompas appear.

So therefore, if you happen to access my old blog, be careful of what you intrepret from the text. It's most likely not real. Have a good one.


Jenifer said...

Yes I did go on a comment spree :) what is up with this blog??? with the things about slicing your wrists???? Was that a hacker too???? IDK, But I am confused, and the thing about sacrificing dad to the gods???? What is up with that???? Well I posted a new blog called Helmets & Seatbelts, check it out, byes....

Anonymous said...

Hey, Buddy. Sucks about your blog being hacked. I have been lucky that I haven't had to deal with that yet. Just a lot of spam comments but those are easy to delete. You going to fix it? or just bag it?

Buddy Foote said...

Well Jeffery, I'm not going to fix it. Being that the hacked blog is my older one that I dumped a while ago but left it up for others to still read, I really don't find a need to do that. Also even if I wanted to do something about it, I couldn't. Everytime I try to retrieve my password through e-mail, it changes everytime and never works. So therefore I'll just have to live with that, which is that main reason I had this entry here, to address that I never wrote any of that nonsense.

As for Jenn, those subjects you addressed are quotes that the hacker added and modified in my old, garbage blog. I never said any of that stuff you addressed. I hope that cleared up any confusion that you had.

Right now I'm uploading those pictures I promised so expect a 56k killing post shortly.