Friday, February 02, 2007


Hey fellows, it's Caitlin, aka Fayedaddy reporting for blog duty. You may be making a face and going "fayedaddy?!" at this moment. Yep, Fayedaddy is my new nickname, haha. We'll see how long it friend's make up bazillions of nicknames for me (Papal, bach, thrust, fig, curly, cait, catty to name a FEW) ;P This past week, my friend Abby and I, now even Nicole a little, caught the Family Force 5 disease. At first we had symptons, now we are full blown ill over them. The band members names are Soul Glow Activatur, Crouton, Nadaddy, Chapsticke, and Phatty. So..Abby is Fouton, Nicole can go by Tactique, and I'm Fayedaddy because they are variations of the band member's real names. Hehe..maybe you can guess what nickname matches which real name, lawlz. =)

It's Friday night, and snowing a little. It's nice to see the snow. If only it had came last night. I really want a school snow day since we haven't had one yet this year and I was so tired today I would have loved to lounge around today xD I had a pretty good school week..just tired. I think I have been staying up too late. It seems everywhere I go I am reminded how important it is for teens my age to get enough sleep. This morning on the radio they said teens need at least 9 hours of sleep a night with falling asleep around the same time every night so your body can adjust to that routine. I have the worst routine for sleeping everrr, haha. I can go to bed at 8:30 when I really don't feel good, or as late as 11:30..dare I say later? :P I know there are plenty of kids my age out there that go to bed much later, but I really want to try getting more sleep simply because my parents think I really need to and they get annoyed with my "binge sleeping" on the weekends. After school, homework, and dinner, it is so relaxing to come on the computer and chat with my friends, search the web, or play Runescape. It's just a nice cool down from the day I guess. Sometimes I enjoy that so much I feel like I have to pry myself off the computer to go get ready for bed. :P I feel tired during the day too, and have the hardest time waking up so early for school. Today I wanted to stay in my bed, because I am so warm and comfortable and I want to stay that way. Hahah..but what can ya do. =P

I had some free time this week and went on Runescape multiple times. My ranging which was under level 5 just last weeked, is now 20! =) I am pretty happy about that. I enjoyed training on the cows in Lumbridge, then retrieving my arrows. A number of times I had strangers speak to me, and each time the only thing they had to say was that they wanted to be my friend, I'm hot, or they need a 'gf'. Ew it's so weird. I laugh everytime it happens, and it is like a guarantee it will happen to me each time I go on. Do I mind it? Nah, it's entertaining. I usually reply saying "No, I don't know you.." or "Um thanks but how can I be hot if I am a pixel??" -shrugs- I look forward to their replies and if they keep speaking to me. It's ridiculous though, I mean, best of luck to all you desperate kiddies that are probably teenage or middle school boys sitting with their friends fooling around out of fun and boredom to see if they can get some girl they don't know to go out with them in a pretend world since they told the girl she was 'hot'. :P That's just my opinion, haha. Anyways, after my ranging reached 20 I was deciding what weak skill I should work on next. It was then I remembered the Runescape to-do sort of list Buddy Foote had emailed me a few months back. I had done all but the Rune Mysteries Quest and Runecrafting. I thought hm.this could be interesting and a new thing to try out. I got out a few guides and looked/read some info, then I completed the quest, or so I think I did :P I had to sign out afterwards but tonight I am going to look to raising my nonexistent Runecrafting level to 20 by the end of the weekend. Maybe I'll like this new skill I never did before. We'll see...since I fell in love with ranging. When I first did ranging I really wasn't crazy about it, but then it got a lot more fun. I'm like that sometimes with almost everything now that I think about it, especially with songs. It can take a few tries or plays for me to fall in love with it.

Can you believe it is February already? I can't. When my Spanish teacher mentioned yesterday that tomorrow is Groundhog day it hit me, "omg! it's february?!?!!:(" In a way that makes me really sad, for reasons I won't go into. Well maybe a little. :P It hasn't snowed big yet! And winter is almost over. By the way, the groundhog I heard didn't see it's shadow so that means early spring? Sheesh, winter must be shy to show itself this year and is going to let spring take over so soon! Shame, shame. :P 10th grade is flying by so fast. I want to relive 9th grade, no, I want to go back to the start of 8th grade if I could then go through it all again knowing what I know now..maybe! :P I talk too much of the past I think, and not enough of the future. I guess it's because I don't like thinking about the future very much, let alone any decisions I might be forced to make. I was trying to think last night before I went to bed how I see myself in the future. I used to try to think of myself as going to college for as long as I am able to because I love learning and school I guess, then probably becoming a teacher who falls in love, sustains one of those amazing marriages that last for LiFe to prove that it IS still possible in this world, and then have children etc. Sounds like such a bittersweet dream doesn't it? .. =) The point I'll make is last night it hit me how rough that dream is becoming in my eyes. I now can see myself turning out as this lonely, quiet, shy girl sitting in the corner, flying through college, still becoming a teacher, although possibly a higher leveled one, maybe English, but not married or any of that, not because the future me didn't want that, trust me, she probably does so much, but it didn't happen for her, yet... It made me sad in a way. Hmm..I don't know what to think. This paragraph is turning out highly strange. How I got on this topic I don't even remember, but I think I like that I wrote about sounds like a story almost. :P

The way I jump to the most random topics in my blog entries, particulary this one, is unbelievable! Therefore I spoke of way to many topics to choose a sensible title for this entry. Let me recap for you. Family Force 5 and music, to friends, snow, sleep patterns, Runescape, February, and then to day dreams of the future?! It's so true what I was told once, I am so quiet on the outside but inside I am just bursting with all these words I am eager to scribble down on paper, or in this case, on a blog. It's my way of communicating without using my voice. Just my thoughts. I love that so much, haha. I think I'll end now, but I thought of a fun daily blog special I wanted to have start today. I am going to list 50 total completely random statements about myself, Caitlin, over the course of my next few blog entries (10 at a time), sort of like a series. :P I'm not sure if I ever made a real clear introduction about myself when I first started writing here, but I just feel like sharing some stuff about me in case any friends wanted to learn something new about me...although most of it probably wouldn't be that new to them anyway..ah who knows. Have a nice weekend anyhowww blog readers! <3=)

Radically Random...

1) I have red hair and brown eyes. :)
2) I have really cold hands. (but maybe that just means I have a warm heart? ;)
3) I have been to 9 different U.S. states.
4) I used to collect and care for all the amphibians and insects I found in my backyard.
5) I still have most of my childhood toys and collection of stuffed animals.
6) I make new friends very easily, despite my shy factor.
7) I drink water all the time. I try to drink the recommended amount for no reason except it's fun and tasty.
8) I get very nervous calling anybody on the phone. Therefore I prefer people to call me.
9) I like to follow the rules and read all instructions for anything I do in life.
10) I tend to say negative things about my appearance, doubt every action I take, and critizice anything I do.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

fayedaddy? hm, and my friend were just talking about nicknames earlier and mine was delilah brankenjeeberheimerten xP

lol, every blog I read says, "wow it's february already" or something of the sort (including mine xD)

yeah..time does go by too fast...

lol me and my friends can be very random too