Monday, February 26, 2007

Volunteering Again

Hola mi amigos! (= Dontcha just love it, I'ma skipping school on a Monday, it's a beautiful 11:50am and I am relaxing at home. Plan on partying it up tonight, who cares about school tomorrow, right?

Pssh oh yeah right. I gots yooh! =P And that just sounds oh so believable of a good girl like me. Haha, just kidding. I am home though, but in no way am I skipping school unless everyone lied to me and we really only had a delay rather than a fantastic snow day! -giggles- I woke up at 6am, tore my eyelids open, and stared at the bottom of the TV screen from the W's to the C's before the channel was changed and we got lucky and bam it was on Lake Lehem which only means my school comes next. Then I saw in big, fat, bold, juicy white computer font CLOSED. Then I smiled this huge smile, as the majority of other schools were only given a delay. Once the TV was turned off, I slept until ten, but not a good sleep because I couldn't fall back asleep so it was more of a restless lay. Haha xD

Hm..and right now I am wearing this New York Giants sweatshirt and everyone is laughing at me as I go around saying they are the best team ever, sarcastically, as I know nothing of football except this sweatshirt is warm and my family likes the Eagles. Pointless paragraph, eh? =P

Okay, in all seriousness I am happy we were given the day off today because I plan on playing Runescape, writing this very entry, and straightening my hair, which I didn't have time to do yesterday although wanted to have accomplished before I went back to school. =P I had an excellent weekend. I did end up going to the library to volunteer Saturday afternoon and had a blast. I always have so much fun going, and really enjoy spending a few hours there. (: I was a little nervous walking in at first because I hadn't been there in what felt like so long that I feared they'd, I don't know, give me this look like "ew so you're the girl who somewhat quit and now thinks she can walk on back in here." But, y'know, that was all in my mind because I am one big walking worry-wart. It turned out, when I went to the desk and said hello to my favorite librarian she welcomed me with open arms, saying she missed me and was wondering what had happened to me. I explained my reasoning, which wasn't excuses, but the truth. I got sick after the holidays and then had nobody willing to give me a ride. I wanted to go last week, but due to the snow storm had to prolong my time even farther. She said the library here is "very forgiving" and I was able to settle right back into things again. This made me all very much at ease allowing me to feel relaxed and enjoy the afternoon stacking books, magazines, cds, dvds, and talking books back on their designated shelves in alphabetical order. Then I ran into Mark, the young man who I had started to become friends with last time. He works there, so I figured I'd see him around. Again I asked him his age, and he told me he is fourteen, almost fifteen after I explained how I just turned sixteen last month. I can't get over that kid's age, haha, even he agreed with me that he looks at least seventeen, and then, he even agreed that I look fourteen or something. Well, sheesh, thanks for the boost of confidence. Haha, just joking, I know I look twelve or something, but what can I do. =P I don't want to be, act, or dress older if that's not who I am.

Anyhow, he took me back to the mini kitchen in the staff room I guess, where he wanted to heat up this salsa the librarian had homemade and brought in. I don't really like that kind of food, and I always refuse it at home. Long story, so I just ate tortilla chips while Mark made funny faces eating that salsa. xP Then I was told to go upstairs as I had a fun little project to do. The librarian had Mark come up with me and explain that I was to decorate the front desk in the children's section of the library with red paper and Dr. Seuss decor. I was a little nervous because this was a new task for me. I had fun doing it though! =) I love decorating and at home I always vision things in my mind how "picture perfect" I would like such and such decorations to look. I took the red construction paper and taped it to cover the bottom of the front desk. Then I taped the book pictures in a pattern across the top, stuck Dr. Seuss in the middle, Thing 1 and Thing 2 on the side with two young children staring in awe at him, and then a clock and toy ball on the right hand side, to create a little scene in a way. I thought it came out bad, and I kept telling Mark that it's stinky and that I wasn't sure what to do with this little bulgy space left over, since it bothered me a little. Mark ended up calling the librarian upstairs, so I was standing there a little nervous again (I get nervous all the time, it's nuts) waiting for her to tell me what she thought of it. What a relief!! She stepped out of the elevator and exclaimed "Oh my gawsh! It's fantastic! That is exactly how I wanted it to look! I love it! I love it!" =D Oh, how happy I felt! I did something right, and was being praised for it, hehe, it made me feel really good that she liked it (= Once she left Mark and I started decorating the doors a little bit but then he had to go and I had to go soon too so I told him he couldn't just leave me hanging like this and I was able to stop too and check out books the remainder of the time. When I was downstairs picking out a CD (found James Blunt's by the way!) the same librarian called me into her little office- typed room as she was sitting at her desk. It reminded me of one of those scenes you may see on a TV business show, where the boss is in their office and calls one of their employees in to speak "privately." I tiptoped in all shy and timid with a polite smile on my face, as I wasn't sure why she wanted me to come here. She started telling me that I was the first person ever, first ever, to actually nail a job exactly the way she wanted it. With the decorating of her desk, she had envisioned it a certain way she wished it to look, and without having told me she was surprised at how I, especially for a volunteer, apparently got it the exact way she imagined liking it in her mind and therefore she was so thankful and really pleased about it. =) I was beaming, and kept saying "aw thank you, I'm so happy you like it" =] That made the day much more wonderful, and it felt good to be back. After she thanked me for doing a job well done, she told me about why we were decorating for Dr. Seuss. This Friday after school, from 4-5, there's going to be a little Dr. Seuss birthday party for children of all ages to attend for free as long as they have their library card. She went on to describe the adorable little games to be played then, like pin the green eggs on the ham. Haha =P Plus there will be birthday cake. ^^ She wanted to know if I can come, and maybe help out. It looks like I will be able to go, so that's something cute&fun to look forward too. =)

Well, my fingers are starting to hurt a little bit after typing this much so I think I'll stop and save anything else I wanted to say for another time. =] I am going to continue with sharing more random facts about myself for the daily blog special. I wanted to have a total of 50 facts when I was done, and I've shared 30 so far. Have a nice day<'3

Radically Random...

1) I like to sleep in. Period(=
2) I keep a calendar in my room and mark it everyday in a pink or purple X at the end of each day, writing any notes of events as they occur.
3) My favorite school subject is English.
4) I think I have very little common sense.
5) I own an iPod and a laptop. I don't care to be in love with a cellphone like every other teenager, so I don't have one. =P
6) I like girly things, but I also have a tomboy side too. I think I'm a bit of both. (;
7) I have never gone to a live concert before, but I would like to someday.
8) I have shot a gun quite a few times before, but could never be a hunter myself, although I do respect those that hunt and understand why it's a sport.
9) I love the outdoors and nature. It's so pretty and makes me feel really good. The city is exciting from time to time, but if I had to chose, I want to live in the country forever.
10) It really bothers me if a friend is mad at me. It really bugs me, and I do anything I can to fix things immediately.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Get Along!

Did you ever hear of the phrase 'internet bully'? You probably have if you watched certain shows such as Nightline or some national news broadcast. To me, an internet bully is pretty much anybody who bullies you over the internet. Now, in some aspects, internet bullying is much more intense to some individuals than a simple name calling experience and can ruin both their virtual and real lives. I am here today talking about internet bullying because I was just thinking a few seconds ago when trying to focus on what to write a blog entry about and put two and two together and figured: "Aren't the majority of players of Runescape internet bullies?"

Now just think about it. The word 'noob' is an offensive term, used to insult somebody or make somebody feel bad, whether that person getting hurt by the verbal term has better levels or worse levels than the name caller. These people are the ones who roam around Runescape and make fun of other people, calling them 'noobs' or 'no lifers', and are, to me, the internet bullies of Runescape. Their goal is to make themselves feel better by making another person feel bad about themselves, and sometimes they're even encouraging others to break the rules by pushing their victim until they snap and their victim brakes a rule and gets banned, while that internet bully is still out there on the loose. Internet bullies are the guys who try to make you feel like dirt after you got your big goal of 40 ranged by saying, "40 ranged is nothing u n00b! lol" or "thats a low lvl noob". Personally, if you think 40 ranged is such a great goal, then it is. Just because other people have it higher doesn't mean that it can't be great for you. Do not listen to what others think about your levels, but instead enjoy your levels to yourself and have that feeling that 40 ranged was a great accomplishment that you made. You should gain levels for yourself and not to impress somebody else or to compete with somebody you don't even know as a friend. You should do your goals to know that if you put your mind to something that you can complete it, and not just to get up there in the high scores. Yes, the first goal for many is to get all their levels in the high scores, such as my original goals were, but that should be a goal for your own satisfaction. To type your name into the high scores, submit it, and see that long list of levels, all filled in, should make you feel proud of yourself and not saddened. However with the little immature children that we have running around Runescape nowadays, they will make you feel bad about your levels, whether they're higher or lower than theirs. If your range is 40 and theirs is 41, you're a noob to them. If your range is 42 and theirs is 41, then you're a no lifer to them. You can't win.

I do find it realistic, however, that there are a lot of conflicts between between people on Runescape. Just look at the planet Earth that we live on. Why are there wars? Why is there discrimination? Why can't everybody get along and create a beautiful Earth? For some reason or another the real world rubbed off into the virtual world of Runescape, and many of the problems we face in the real world we can see a miniature version of in Runescape. For example, internet bullying. Internet bullying is mostly people from the same area or school that try to destroy your life through instant messages, threats from e-mail, and other sayings such as "Your life is a waste! Why don't you go kill yourself?" and trying to encourage that person to end their life or do something bad. Of course we don't see anything that extreme on Runescape (besides the average saying "Go die" when somebody is mad at another person) but we do see minor versions of it. We do have the average name calling and harassment, though, on Runescape. What about racism and discrimination? Well, we have people who don't like pures, skillers, prayer noobs, tele noobs, members, free players, noobs, new players, etc. We also have the discrimination seen where combat level is involved, [sarcasm] because don't you know that combat level means everything in Runescape? [/sarcasm] Combat level means nothing, and that can also be made similar to skin color, race, gender, etc. It should not matter who you are because we are all human beings, we are all equal, and we are all living things with a soul. It should be the same way in Runescape. No matter what your combat level is, what you're wearing, whether you're a member or not, etc. we should all get along! Why is it so hard for people to change and mature and see that Runescape would be a much better game if we could actually enjoy it? Am I enjoying it? It's hard to say. If it wasn't for my determination to match my goals and for my many great friends who play, the population of Runescape would've turned me away from the game a long, long time ago. And what is Jagex doing about this? Nothing. I tried sending in a message to Jagex that they should make players aware that they're dealing with real, breathing human beings such like themselves and that they should be nice to each other, but I got an automated message returned to me saying that Jagex was on Christmas vacation and could not reply to any messages.

This is one of the reasons why I wish I was a player moderator, so I can have the position where I can fight for my beliefs and try to change people in-game right then and there. I want to change them mentally and spiritually. But until I hold the noble title of player moderator, I have to just sit back and watch this internet bullying take place right in front of me. I tried, once, to yell at somebody for calling another person a noob, but it got me nowhere and he just harassed me then. However, once I saw a player moderator yell at another for the same reason, and that person stopped the name calling, for then anyway. We need better player moderators too! Most mods are stuck up, think they're better than other players because Jagex offered them a position in the game, and some even use their title in an attempt to scam or lure others. Heck, some don't even bother to have their public chat on, and try to be a Zezima and hide from the community. We need moderators who will track down these internet bullies and try to make them stop their bad behaviors. This does not take away time from your enjoyment in the game either. I chop willows in Draynor and all the time I see bullying right at the willows with me. I'll say "Congrats! =D" to the guy who just got 54 woodcutting while a guy with 67 woodcutting will say "noob". I'm the guy with 94 woodcutting here, and nobody deserves to be called a noob by anybody else at the willow trees that I try to enjoy the game at. I pretty much live at those willows while I'm on my goal to obtain 99 woodcutting, and I have a hard time enjoying myself there when I see this fighting and bullying and I can't do anything about it. And nobody else does anything about it too. There was a player moderator the other day chopping willows (I think his name was 2noob2 [what a great name for a mod, eh?]) and this guy was being bullied badly and the mod didn't even respond.

This whole case is like the quote that Miguel Cervantes said:

"Too much sanity may be madness and the maddest of all is to see life as it is and not as it should be." - Cervantes

This simply means that... The people throughout history who tried to do something new and change the world in a positive way were the ones who were titled insane, while the other people in the world who sat back and watched the horrors of the world and accepted them are indeed the insane ones.

Can't you see how the meaning of this quote written during the sixteenth century can be applied to a video game of today's world? This very game being Runescape. The horror in Runescape is the negativity that is swarming the game every single day, and what does 98% of the population of Runescape do? They accept it, and join along on the negativity. When somebody learns the word noob for the first time, they'll start using it probably, right? Like when a young kid hears a curse from their parents a lot -- they may start saying it. But are they punished? No, because it's cute and funny hearing the curse come from a little baby and the laughter from it only encourages the kid to do it more. In the same sense, nobody is telling these name callers that what they're doing is wrong, and guess what? They keep doing it! We need change, or otherwise Jagex is going to lose a customer because they cannot stand the people in the game that they're dealing with! And what does Jagex do? They encourage some of this stuff such as the word noob in some of their member quests! The people who want a change and want to do something about this negativity are probably titled the insane ones, but we should instead be called the revolutionaries and the saviors! We should not go to the official Runescape forum and not rant about how range is the weakest skill in the combat triangle, but instead we should rant about how Jagex is ignoring this awful community that their game has conjured up! Why should we be so concerned over the behavior of people in a video game, eh? This game may not even exist in five or ten years from now. We should be concerned because these younger kids are the new generation of individuals in the world. You can tell 89% of the time (a random number, by the way) how a person is in the real world by their personality expressed on the virtual world. And sadly enough, these people with the bad personality will be running our world someday. Hopefully they'll change and they should change as they age, right? I might have to say wrong to that. The eighth grade class in my high school, in general, are like little devils, with people such as Chase here excluded from that crowd. They are immature brats with no respect whatsoever to their teachers, their work in school, and even school property. And a lot of people in this class play Runescape. I'm going to put two and two together here and figure that these people are some of the negatives roaming around Runescape pestering, name calling, bullying, etc. all the nice and honest players of the game. That's just my generalization and maybe even a stereotype, as Chase himself is a positive, not a negative, but in general, these kids are bad. And they're going to be running our countries someday, working in the civil services, being in the army, working for the government, or being that waiter or waitress that serves you at that nice fancy Italian restaurant down the street. Three words -- We are screwed.

I'm going to leave my rant or discussion or whatever you may want to call it there and move on to the daily blog special. I hope that any Runescape players or even people who do not play Runescape can get something out of what I said. It sure did help me think a lot and get my thoughts out there, and I hope that a lot of people believe my views on the matter. Special thanks to Botanreaper2, however, on helping me think about such a discussion. We were talking about this late last night on Runescape and that chat helped bring up some points that I discussed here, so thank you.

Picture of the Day

Have a good one!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Forums are cool

I'm listening to a really sweet song now, "Make You Smile" by Plus 44. I hadn't listened to it in awhiles, surprisingly, so randomly just sat and listened to it play. Well, now that it is over and I am having a horribly hard time reconnecting to the internet, I decided to give in to Steve and write a blog entry, possibly focusing somewhat on the forum. Then I hope by the time I am done, I will have picked up internet again. When I sit where I am now, I can't get the wireless internet signal good. It varies, depending on the position of my laptop, or so I think. =P I don't feel like going where I get the better connection tonight though, so I'll just have to "deal."

I had a terrific week back at school after what some refered to as my "winter break". :] I did have two major tests, Spanish and Math to deal with on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I survived and last night along with tonight I have no homework! It's wonderful to relax and not have any extra stress bearing me down. I also found out I won Reflections at my school on the council level, (still not sure what the means) and my little poem on the ocean (which coincided with the theme, "My Favorite Place") is on it's way to a state level. =) It's really neat! Reflections has always been around at my school, but I never sent in any serious entries, and didn't bother doing it once in elementary school, so had never ever won it before. I am pretty excited and so amazed at the fact this is yet another writing-related thing I have won within the past 4 months. =D I'm real thankful, and can't help but to smile thinking about it all.

I just feel so happy this week, yeah, I know that statement sounds rather forthright, but it's true and I'd prefer not to hide it =)) See..let's smile! =))
It had been a little while since I had been pretty overall completely happy..probably not since the holidays, last year. I'm happy with school, really happy with my friends and family, and finally have something I am looking forward to. I am looking forward to Drama next month, this Reflections banquet coming up next month too, and word is out I may get to go to the beach again this summer. Not to mention I may be having a birthday party, going for my permit, and visiting local colleges all this summer too. Those seem a bit far off still, but this weekend I plan on returning to the library to volunteer. That should be fun :]

That's enough about me for now. Let's get on with the #Foote_Chat forum in all it's greatness! =) Forums are cool! I have been hanging out on the forum in most of my free after school time lately. There is now an arcade full of games, well over 200 of them, that are a lot more fun than you may think they'd be! I haven't even gotten close to playing them all at least once yet, but the ones I have personally tried out are cute. I love how mini they look, haha. Unfortunately, I am rather stinky at video games or I might as well say all games in general, but I try and it's fun whether I score one point or 500. Buddy Foote has also set up these shops where I am guessing members of the forum can sell or buy pretend items. He has his own shop set up, and it's pretty funny to go inside and look at the "randomness" of his desires. Lol =P There is also a gallery, and you can post pictures, like Runescape screenshots. I haven't much experience with forums, but I can say I never saw a forum with so much interesting content and activities to check out. He and I are anxious for new members, real people, who would post messages and play games with us. =) How about you out there, you're looking pretty spiffy, why aren't you signed up yet? Come on, all the "cool kids" are hanging out there after they tackle some fences. Seriously though, what have you got to lose? Click here, click register, and tell your friends!! =D

That's all I've got for tonight, kiddies. xD I have more time and thought for longer entries on the weekend though, so I'll probably post again sometime then. Until then, adios!(=

Radically Random...

..contiunation of 10 more random facts about moi..

1) I love socks, perferably knee socks with a plaid or star pattern! =)
2) I have more than one best friend<3
3) When something becomes really very popular, I usually tend to not like it very much anymore. I try to be different, and gave up fitting in a loooong time ago. For example, myspace and AIM are way overpopulated and I have found multiple alternatives that, in my opinion, are way better ;)
4) I cannot stand when people copy or cheat off of each other at school. Whether it be a test or homework, it bothers me. I mean honestly, how does that help you learn anything? Plus, it makes me angry when people copy and get the same grade or better off of a person who actually worked for it. I politely refuse to anybody who asks to copy my work, and I try to cover my tests at school. Not that my answers could even be right or better than anybody else's, but I just want to do my own work and force others around me to do the same. =P
5) I adore the bands Family Force 5 and Fall Out Boy with a passion. =) I'd love to see either of the two in concert someday with my friends.
6) I read a lot of books. I enjoy reading, and have been reading books as a pastime since I could hold one. I have read as many as 4 medium-sized novels in one day alone. =P
7) I can not stand pictures of me. Ew. I think I'm ugly, haha, no really, but that's okay. Nobody notices me anyway...besides my hair..can't hide that. =P
8) I was a girl scout in 3rd grade. Why is this important? No clue.
9) I used to think I was really bossy when I was a little younger. I liked being a leader and I always made rules for games I would play with friends or family. I have mellowed out a whole lot since, and now am more of a follower. =P
10) I always wanted to be in a parade. Yup. xD It looks so fun, haha and I like to walk.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Growing Up

Have you ever heard or saw something that made you pause and think for a moment? I don't know, maybe you were watching television and somebody said something, or asked a rhetorical question that caught your attention to where you found yourself thinking about that later on in the day. It's like having something make you think a little deeper than it made anyone else feel. The other evening I was watching something totally random, and this man asked a question along the lines of "What makes you wake up in the morning?" Like, what is it that motivates you enough to take the blankets off and get up out of your bed every single day of your life? Then he paused for maybe a split second, but it was long enough for it to catch my attention and make me think about how I'd answer such a question if someone was to ask me it. The man continued saying "maybe it's a loved one, your job, or just the fact of being curious to see what will happen that day." All of those options seem sufficient enough for me, (if we replace job with, let's say, school), but later on for some really strange reason I started to think deeper than that. I mean everybody has to have something really strong they feel that doesn't even make them think otherwise about waking up and getting on with a fresh new day, because if they didn't, then why not just lay there all day. :P

Yet again, all this deep thinking came late at night. It seems on nights when I don't have school (probably because I am so tired during the week I fall asleep right away), that I am awake late into the night. The other night I tried going to sleep around 1 in the morning, but I can lay there for quite some time, with my eyes closed, but thinking. Normally I think about current thoughts that bother me all day but they tend to make me unhappy or worried so after I force them out of my mind I try hard to find something else to think about until I drift off into sleep. I don't know how or why but I started thinking of what that man had said about waking up each day, but then it turned into something else. My mind wandered to growing up and really random memories I have from my childhood. Some were so delicate I felt my heart ache over missing them so much. I think about the past a lot more than I spend on thinking about the future. I know that probably isn't the greatest thing to do, because I always hear people saying "don't dwell on the past too much." There is a lyric in a song by Plus 44 that I really like and will share simply because it fits.

"The past is only the future with the lights on"

Wow, to me that line is really pretty, and if you think about it, very true =)I tried to go to sleep but then thought I should write a blog entry soon about all this. I like sharing my thoughts sometimes, even though maybe at tops, two people care enough to read them, but that is fine.

As I thought more about this topic for a blog entry, I started to feel a little sad. When I was younger, I remember watching television and when I'd see teenagers in particular, I'd always wonder what it will be like when I'm sixteen or seventeen. I know this probably sounds weird, but being a teenager looked really cool and I couldn't wait for those years. Now that I am sixteen, I wish I was 9 or 10 again, completely carefree and innocent. I miss playing imaginary games with my brother. I miss swinging on my swingset late into the evening. I miss playing hide-n-seek under the stars. I miss my dog Cutter. I miss collecting bugs and other creatures. I miss elementary school. I miss recess. I miss family road trips. I miss handshakes and lollipops with my best friend. I miss fashion shows with my dolls. I miss fishing for days. I miss camping in my backyard. I miss all my little childhood memories a lot sometimes. I wish I could go back when things get rocky as a teenager.

I've frequently heard that the adolescent/teenage years are some of the most difficult, and I suppose that can stand true. Not that I find these years personally difficult for me, neh, maybe they are, just more so really confusing. A lot is changing around me and it scares me sometimes. I'm not one who looks forward to growing up, because I loved being little. Gosh, being 10 years old feels like a century ago. I feel lost more often than not being a teenager. I don't like all the stuff that comes with growing up I guess, and I don't even feel ready for it. Driving, for example. Most "normal" teens cannot wait for the day to jump on getting their permit and zoom through town. I've been sixteen for over a month and only considered going for my permit twice. =P I probably wouldn't have even known I could get my permit when I turned sixteen if it wasn't for the buzz over it amongst my peers. I have no desire whatsoever to drive yet, I know I will need to when I go off to college and when that time comes I hope to be comfortable with driving. Now I am just plain scared and am going to wait until this summer before I get my permit. I'm in no rush I guess.

Another thing is the whole dating scene. Your typical teenager by sixteen/seventeen probably has gone on a date or two, nonstop chatters about boyfriends/girlfriends/heartbreaks and all that silly stuff. One of the things that kept my whole group of friendship stronger was the fact we had never had real boyfriends before or any of that. Now that is going to be changing so fast I won't even be able to blink. =P Just the other day, one of my dearest friends told me something huge that happened to her with a boy over the weekend and it blew me away. I was so excited for her, because such a thing never happened to any one of us before so I was thrilled for her!! I knew she'd be the first out of us all, haha. She described everything to me in detail, and I was speechless! It was adorable though. The point is, it made me realize that I don't think I am ready for that in any way yet. I don't even think I am slightly interested in wanting to have a "boyfriend" anymore. I can't picture myself like my friend was, and to be honest, it scared me. I am perfectly content where I am, and we'll just see what happens in the future. =]

I think this blog entry got me on a more personal level. All along I planned on just writing about growing up and my thoughts on missing certain aspects of my childhood, but before I finished this entry my friend had told me what happened to her and it was strange how perfect that can tie in with this whole blog about growing up. I mean dating, kissing, and all that stuff is a part of growing up, isn't it? I feel it is.

Now to conclude this blog entry sweetly, I want to return to the question I opened with, "What makes you wake up in the morning?" Well, to be completely honest. the fact of being given another chance to make some small difference around me, the chance to smile and brighten a friend's day, or the chance to go outside and take advantage of every day I have alive is more than enough for me to love waking up and starting my day. Each day I grow up and learn a little more. =)

Well, I hope if you took the time to read into some of my personal thoughts, it made you think, even just a little bit. I really enjoyed writing this particular entry, and hope it makes someone enjoy reading it. (: Have a wonderful day<3

Saturday, February 17, 2007

The Twilight

Thursday night I stayed over Craig's house (after we made that fifty minute video that was posted in the previous blog entry). At his house, we played Runescape on our laptops, tried to get the internet on his Wii to work, and then we went around the internet trying to find things to do, such as making a skin for Firefox and playing games. The next morning Craig was dying to play The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Wii. He was a lot farther than me in the game, and he had mixed thoughts to whether or not play it in front of me as it would ruin a lot of the surprises that the game offered throughout the storyline. I told him that I didn't mind, and that I would probably be focusing more on Runescape than looking up at the television screen anyway. I was wrong, very wrong. As I had found out, Craig was already at the very last boss battles, and my eyes were glued to the TV as I watched the very last enemies fall under his will, defeated. I continued to watch as one of the biggest surprises of the game happened at the very end, and then I even watched the credits. Then I continued to watch as Craig ventured throughout places I haven't gone to yet, and yet I could not pull away from watching all these spoilers even though they could very well ruin the game for me. After it was all said and done and the game was turned off, I had very mixed emotions. I wasn't sure if I was happy that I watched what I did, or if I was sad. And it's not Craig's fault in any way. I just had to watch, as for some reason I like to rather watch others play video games than actually playing the game myself. Sometimes I would have the Runescape login screen on my laptop, all ready for me to log in and start playing, but instead I would glance over for five minutes and watch Craig play on his account for a while, even if he's doing something over and over again like mining essence, crafting runes, etc. I'm just addicted to watching video games. Period. I used to love TechTV and then later on G4 because they would either be on computers or would show gameplay of some games, and I would just sit and watch the action mindlessly with my mouth wide open and a little bit of drool coming out from lack of swallowing. But then G4 started showing shows that had nothing to do with video games, and then my cable provider dumped the channel so...

Like I was saying -- I have very mixed feeling about LoZ:TP now. The ending of the game was like, "Wow, what just happened!?" and I figured that I should as well watch because I would probably never beat the game anyway. I was playing it this morning due to this sudden feeling I have about the game (the same feeling I used to have about Pokemon, Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Teen Titans back in the day -- like it's this weird indescribable feeling that's shivering throughout my body and it's like an itch that won't go away, and I feel suddenly motivated and yet confused) and I was witnessing these places that I had saw before just by watching Craig play after he beat the game. It's not like the first two temples where I was playing and was awed by the environment, but instead while I was going around killing the bugs for the third light spirit in the twilight realm, I would roam somewhere and think, "Yep, I know what this place is now. Nothing new here." But then I was playing and got to this part where I had to escort a carriage across two fields and I couldn't do it after "fifty" times trying and after cussing my head off and letting my blood pressure rise, I finally ended the game there. I do want to play it, and the motivation I have left to play it is to see all the things that happen from the point I'm at to the end where I saw Craig start out at. However, I'm stuck at this part that's bothering me, and then my family bothers me because my Wii's located in the center of the house in the living room. Even writing this now, I don't know what to think anymore. My head is all messed up over a game, yet I think there's more to it than that. Maybe due to the fact that I wasted this nice little break I had inside my house on the computer (besides when I went over Craig's) and that I only have Sunday and Monday left already before school comes back to haunt me. Plus I still have biology homework to do and the essay part of our Don Quixote test to study for. I don't know -- I'm losing it. Really, I am. I actually feel like crying now because I don't know what to do. I might as well do my biology homework now and review for my test. Maybe that would make me happy. Don't mind my rambling, it makes me feel better confusing you about my confusion.

I don't even think that this confusion started over The Legend of Zelda, but actually over Runescape. I'm starting to get these comments thrown at me that my levels are low compared to my combat level, and so and so. However, I look at my skill levels and I'm happy with them. Although I'm starting to look at some people and from what these people say about me, I'm starting to be influenced by them. Actually, they don't even talk about me, but sometimes I take it as if I'm in the shoes of the person that's getting that comment directed to. I mostly accomplish goals in Runescape for my own pleasure and to just know that if I put my mind to something that I could achieve in it (a lesson that Runescape can teach somebody if they pay attention to the moral of the game), but lately I'm starting to think that I'm getting my goals just to be up to par with others or to satisfy others. I don't want to think that way and instead I want to go back to my base roots and have my older philosophy of liking what I achieve and that other's opinions about me do not matter to me. But like I said, my outlook on Runescape is starting to change as I'm on the road to obtaining 99 woodcutting, and with this are things that I'm being bothered by. I don't know what these 'things' are off the top of my head, but they'll haunt me. They'll haunt me.

I'm honestly starting to sound like some maniac, so I better stop myself here. It's funny how some pixels on a computer or television screen can pull off such a huge affect on individuals. Maybe it's just me, I don't know. I do, however, still hold this huge piece of inspiration and motivation for some unknown reason, and this hidden force is probably pushing me to write this very blog entry. Most entries I force upon myself and I say, "I didn't post in a while so I think I should today" and then I throw something random and not too from the heart out into the open, but today is a different story. I didn't force myself, but instead I naturally began to write this entry, mixing my many feelings, thoughts, and emotions into it. It's just one of those times where writing helps sort things out mentally, but instead this is just adding more things to the mix, raising up more questions than answers once I see my own thoughts and there they are, visible to me on this computer screen.

I'm done here. With this state of confusion that I'm in, these states can last for a month to half a year, so you may hear from me a lot more about this nothingness.

Picture of the Day

Have a good one.

Friday, February 16, 2007

/Life.Of.Foote\ -- Snow Day Adventure

Buddy Foote and Alaskanwolf7 venture outside and travel throughout the town of Jermyn, PA on the day after the Valentines Day snow storm. This video was captured on February 15, 2007.

Have a good one!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

/Life.Of.Foote\ -- Internet on the Wii

I have been online most of this morning on my second day off from school due to the snow storm we have received and I was looking around the internet for a good website to upload .flv videos and discovered I dug deeper into my investigations of this site and now I have my own online TV show. Nifty, eh? With this much easier method of uploading videos to the internet, you should definitely expect more /Life.Of.Foote\ videos. The videos that you'll see on this blog won't come directly from, but instead were put through AdBrite first for revenue purposes. I'm trying to prolong getting a job longer by earning money online. So enjoy this following video and expect a lot more to come after it in the future.

Video description: Buddy Foote displays some websites on the Wii, and other functions that the Wii has.

Have a good one!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Xanadu's My Snowy Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day everyone <3 I am sitting at home now at 11:48AM on a Wednesday due to the fact that we got our first snow day! =) The snow started falling late last night, and is supposed to continue all throughout the day today. A foot and a half is expected in most places, although up where I live I am hoping for 2 feet, because we always seem to get more here anyways :P We found out last night school would be closed today, although it wasn't too surprising because everyone knew they'd close school, haha. I think it'd be cool if they closed tomorrow too, since we have Friday and Monday off for President's day already, therefore we'd get this long break like Thanksgiving. xD I woke up around 10 this morning to ice pelting the windows and the smell of homemade pancakes downstairs so I didn't have a problem waking up today, haha (=

I'm not sure exactly how I'll spend my snow day cooped up inside. I haven't gone sledding in a really long time, like no..I think I went once last year with my friend. I used to go a lot when I was little, but once I grew out of my snow suit I haven't gotten another, even though I did get cool new purple snow boots, so I can't really go outside in the clothes I have...since I'd probably want to roll around like a duck and eat some snow too. LoL xD I plan on playing Runescape. I am going to start crafting. Hopefully it will be fun like all the other skills. I have a whole future to-do list for Runescape that I am anxious to go after. I love having something to follow and it works out good for a game like that since what most people do is set goals and obtain them. ^^

Ah, Valentine's Day. An adorable holiday if you have someone really special to share it with. =) The holiday doesn't apply much to me, but it's cute nonetheless.

Our school does this thing ever year where students can send pink, white, or red carnations to one another with special notes attached. I got three flowers this year from my friends! I never got that many before, and it was so sweet of my friends to send me a couple. (: They are sitting in the vase next to me. I absolutly cracked up reading the notes attached with them though! I got two white flowers saying "To Caitlin, From Xanadu" with messages stating "You are so good at taking tests!" and "I love the volume of your hair!" LOL! So this Xanadu likes me a lot. I was so flattered he sent me flowers that I told Abby when she sees him to make sure she thanks Xanadu for me and that I want him to be my little valentine. She said she would, and that he talks about me a lot because he is just crazy about me. Later on she told me she thanked him and that he said some sweet stuff about me she needs to tell me next time we talk, and that he really really likes me. I replied "you talked to MY xanadu!! what is he wearing! how is his volume! what sweet stuff!? tell him i adore his smile and frizz more than my own =)<33"

We honeslty had that conversation. I think it's so fun to play along as if we really know this Xanadu that my friends think I love. xD Xanadu, in real life, is this goofy guy who drives the van for the band I mentioned before, Family Force 5. He has hair that kind of looks exactly like mine, but he talks with a bad lisp and speech problems. My friends tease me about him nonstop, and sent me flowers from him as a joke. :P So in a way, he is my snowy valentine! Hahaha. :]

Anyways, the snow is continuing to fall and I might go do biology homework I never finished just in case we do go back to school tomorrow. Then onto Runescape I shall roam. I forgot last time about my so-called continuing series of random facts about myself I wanted to give each time for a daily blog special. I will do that this time though. I guess that interesting news article caught my attention too much. ;P

Radically Random...

1) I have a very hard time making decisions.
2) I listen to all kinds of music everyday from Hannah Montana to Hawthorne Heights. I love to hear music, all genres, and it doesn't matter to me whether it's in or not, old or new, kid, country, or hardcore. :P
3) I'm really skinny, but food is good and I like to eat it.
4) I can roll my tongue. =P
5) I cross my fingers for good luck a lot.
6) I am very accepting of all people. Looks, religion, skin color, intelligence, style, hobbies, whatever, doesn't mean half as much as your personality will to me.
7) I love to go swimming.
8) I smile, constantly, and love people who can make me smile. =)
9) I'm right-handed.
10) A hot air balloon landed in my backyard once.

* Let it snow... *

P.S.- Visit the forum. =)

Monday, February 12, 2007

In Other News...

I'm feeling in the mood this fine winter night to write a nice and little blog entry. To whether I can achieve such a task such as keeping the entry short is beyond me though. Whatever that I can type before my brain goes dry is whatever you'll get out of this blog entry. Expect a little bit of random, a dash of pointlessness, and a quarter cup of Buddy Foote.

Yesterday I was playing Runescape in the morning and I figured that I would take a small break from my woodcutting goal of level 99 and go to free-to-play for a little while. Actually I didn't really think it out at all. I kept on refreshing the world select page because my current home world, World 6, was full for a few minutes, and then World 1 popped up and was open, so I figured that I would hop onto this world for about an hour to fool around. Let me tell you this: Free players have a mind of their own. This is not a generalization and many free players are 100% better than me in levels and in wealth (even though I find personality to be my first priority), but for the general population, free players are like monkeys that have escaped from a zoo. If you're out in the middle of nowhere, you'll have a crowd around you in less than five minutes. Dante was in free-to-play the other day and he was wearing full dragon. Wow, if I thought my situations were bad, he must've had it a lot worse. I actually wasn't begged for anything really on my latest visit. A funny event did happen though. Actually two. The first was when I was walking around Varrock looking for something interesting that was going on. Primarily rule breakers so I could send in a few reports to Jagex to cope with my deep down hope of someday becoming a player moderator. I spotted a line of people following an individual and the phrase "drop party" being shouted into the air, so for entertainment I followed the line, hoping to catch a few guys spamming the chat screen or scamming. Instead, this guy led us into the cellar of the one inns in Varrock and I guess he either never dropped or he logged out. So I'm standing down there, hanging out and minding my own business, when one guy runs over to me and says, "lvl 100 drop sumting!" So now I have about ten people following me yelling at me to drop things. Like what the hell! I tried to lose them, but after running and having them finding me, I tried to explain to them, "I have nothing to drop. It wasn't my drop party in the first place." Well, a lot of people said "reported!" and ran off, and then the two who couldn't get the message had a little cat-and-mouse chase with me through the essence mine and even from Lumbridge to Draynor Village. The second event was funny too. I went upstairs of the general store in Varrock and grabbed a spade. I then started walking around Varrock and digging with my spade. There was another drop party in the same cellar (how ironic) and I was digging all over the place. People were asking me what I was doing and I said, "I'm looking for treasure!" in that whole crazy Don Quixote style of things. Then later some other guy was following me and we were both digging together around Varrock. Man, free-to-play is fun. I probably won't be making long visits there again until I get 99 woodcutting and firemaking. Then I plan on staying there for three days straight.

I spent most of Saturday working on #Foote_Chat and improving the community. It's still a slow setup as many of our members aren't too active (sadly enough) besides a few (you know who you are) and I wish we had more members (I'd be so happy). I added 54 new smilies, a new cuarter reward contest, and some other things. You'll have to check it out for yourself by clicking here. Users may activate their own account again, opposed to admins having to do it as they did when spam bots were plentiful. We'll soon be seeing great future MODs, such as the store, bank, arcade, and gallery mods, so please show some interest in the forum and register and post today! It would be even better if you could refer some friends to it! Now I'm just getting a bit cocky...

I'm not sure if his decision is final or not, but Craig, aka Alaskanwolf7, has told me in school today that he has quit Runescape. It's indeed a sad lost to the community, and if that's his true and official word, we'll miss you on Runescape, Craig. Hopefully we'll see you on #Foote_Chat still. Last night Craig gave away items to four of his friends, which pretty much states that he's quitting as he lost more than four million gp in the process. Many of you ignorant and wealthy fools in Runescape may not think that's a lot, but to Craig and I, money that much was always dreamed about when we were younger Runescapers and for me, I still cherish 100 gp that I may find lying on the ground. Craig had a great Runescape character, and I hate to see him give up on it like that. However, life has to go on, and in most cases reality is more important than an internet community. Thankfully, I can have time for both, or I'd be an insane man by now. I have yet to know more about the reasons why he quit, but for whatever reasons they may be, they're probably good reasons and I support him on them.

[EDITED on February 16th, 2007 at 6:11 P.M.] I finally found the time to post this correction: Craig did not quit Runescape. I thought he told me he did before this blog entry was posted, so I jumped to conclusions and wrote the above paragraph saying that he quit. He did give away almost all of his bank, but he did so so that he's not tempted to buy items anymore. Sorry about this mistake to any friends of Craig and to Craig himself. [EDIT over]

The Northeastern Pennsylvania area is expected to get a pretty nice snow storm for Wednesday. The snow is expected to start later tomorrow and go all through Wednesday and maybe even a tad bit on Thursday. We're expected to get around a foot of snow. This storm is already guaranteeing a snow day for Wednesday, yet only time will tell us if we should expect any school delays or closings for Thursday. This snow storm will be the first true snowfall we'll get all season. I think the net worth of snow fallen is around 7.8 inches this season (that number is stuck in my head after looking at a weather map, so it may not be correct), and that's not enough snow to satisfy me. I just hope we don't get hammered like some parts of New York currently are. Wow, it's pretty bad up there. I was watching TV and they had to actually get the snow off their roofs so that the roof wouldn't cave in. That would be a pretty bad situation. I hope we have a six day weekend (we will have Friday and next Monday off). That would be 'teh ownage'. Why? Because we have an expected Spanish essay test Wednesday on Cervantes and his story and character, Don Quixote. We actually have the first part of the test tomorrow, which will be filled with fill-ins and other formats I presume. She never really told us much about the test. That essay section of it is going to stink. This certain essay is expected to be more than a page, and that's one essay out of the many we have to write in a class period. I did do a mock essay of the question that has to be answered, and thankfully I was able to write a lot more than a page. I'm ready for this test. I hope.

Okay, so it wasn't a little entry, but hopefully for some it was nice.

Picture of the Day

Have a good one.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Free Money

Hey! It's Caitlin. I was debating whether or not to post a blog entry myself last night, but then I thought since Steve wrote such a great one why would I want to write a poor lame one that would bump his post down showing mine first? =P But someone told me once that they "love when there's more than one" blog entry at a time, so knowing this made me think I should share my bloggin' ;)

My life, in general, has been exactly the same most days so yet again not too much going on to mention personally. Although I guess I could say that at the beginning of this week we had a cold blast where we got a 2-hr delay for two days in a row! It was just lovely, since I like to sleep in, and waking up late for school was rather nice. Personally, I think we should have had three delays this week because Wednesday was mighty cold too but our school ended the delay streak despite more than half the schools in the area having one. =P

I suppose you may be wondering what my blog title has to do with anything. Well Friday was an interesting day and I thought I'd share a story that happened with my friends. xD Looking back we are still laughing hysterically about the whole event because it was so ridiculous! My two close friends, Abby and Nicole, started around last year I believe, saving any lose change they got back after buying lunch at school that day. It started filling up in their purse wallets so before long they asked my friend Lauren for her brown paper lunch bag one day instead of her dumping it. Back then they had dumped all the coins the two of them had into the brown bag and announced they would continue to save up money for their "fund" so they could eventually afford a connected garage home to share as adults I think they said once, or like buy a bunch of CDs or see a band in concert they wanted to. Then I think they were keeping the brown paper bag of coins inside Abby's locker because periodically they would bring it out to lunch, dump it all over the table, add more, and recount it up. It was pretty fun. Everyone who walked by our lunch table would stare with open eyes at all these coins. Haha, I admit it must have looked strange. I didn't really have anything to do with it, I just sat across from them, ate my food, and made sure nobody stole the money from them. Well, Friday afternoon was one of those days. I guess their purses were getting filled and it was time to "dump and count." There was a whole lot more coins this time, and there was only enough time to count the quarters, which totaled 52 dollars. Now if you think about it, there was a good chunk of nickels, dimes, and pennies left unaccounted for, so there was probably a good couple bucks more. The bell was going to ring soon so we all helped gather all the coins back into the bag. Then we fooled around and each felt how heavy it was to lift that bag up. I, considering myself to be rather weak, thought it was so so heavy!! I couldn't believe they had collected that many coins already, hahaha. xD

-brrrrring!!- So the bell rang, and off we go down the hallway to our lockers on Friday. Typically, the hallways are real crowded with kids after lunch because we all storm out of the cafeteria at once. I tend to be an incredibly fast walker 99% of the time and I don't know why (maybe I take big steps?), so usually in the hallway I end up 5 feet in front of my friends when I intended to walk with them, haha..which makes them mad..but anyhow I remember realizing how farther ahead I was of Abby and Nicole, so I paused and went back to Abby and said how loud those coins were since I heard her bouncing them off her knee a few feet in front of her. It couldn't have been 30 seconds after I said that when there was this loud jangle crash-like sound as the 52+dollars worth of coins burst through the bottom of the brown paper lunch bag, drippled down Abby's legs, and landed in a huge pile in the middle of the hallway! I am so shocked at what just happened that I stood still in the hallway with my mouth open as I stare at Abby whose face is beat red and looks like she might cry. All the while the stampede of 9th and 10th graders heading through are all looking at us with their shiny, greedy eyes just waiting to pounce in the pile of free money spread over the hallway. I take a few steps toward Abby, not sure what to say or if she wants me to help her pick some up. It all happened so fast, I mean before we knew it kids were yelling "money!" and I figured there is no point in even trying to pick the money up because kids are going to steal it anyway, so I watch as Abby drops the now empty brown paper bag and keeps walking quickly forward so nobody sees it was hers as she is SO embarrassed, leaving all those coins behind her. I continue on to my locker, grab my books, and hear kids walk past me anxiously telling their friends how they just picked up 5 dollars worth of coins here and there, and how it's mostly quarters and they should go get some themselves. Even my locker neighbor Corey comes running to me to exclaim how he just picked up 3 dollars in coins on the floor back there! I start explaining to him how it was Abby and Nicole's money, but its useless and I didn't want to be late to Math, which I have everyday after lunch. On my way to math class, I passed the area of hallway where the coins dropped and I couldn't believe my eyes. That area was completely deserted, not a single coin ANYWHERE! All that was left was the brown paper bag blowing in the dust (hah, aren't I doing a good job of painting the scene?) I mean, I didn't even see a penny, and it all was there just 2 minutes ago. I can just see it now, after we walked forward the kids behind us must have dived like a pack of hungry vultures to grab as much money as they could pick up, and trust me, it was a lot of coins. It literally was a Free Money pool. Unbelievable!!

I felt really bad for Abby and Nicole. First of all, they never should have even kept that amount of money in school, especially in coins, and especially in a weak paper bag! It was an "accident waiting to happen" as my mom would say. If I ever lost over 50 dollars, I would get in so much trouble, wow. Many people ask the question "why didn't they just pick it up!?!?" and I can only slightly understand why they didn't. If it was me, I probably would have tried to pick it up, pointless or not, but Abby and Nicole were so embarrassed and figured people would steal it anyway, considering the entire school was in the hall with them, that they just continued walking. It sounds so crazy to say, but that's how they have always been. If they drop a quarter on the lunch room floor, they leave it because they refuse to pick it up themselves, for reasons that don't make sense to me :P I don't know about you, but I'd rather be embarrassed then throw over 50 dollars into the garbage. That is sort of what happened, they probably could have picked up most of it, but leaving it ALL behind..sheesh. Unbelievable I tell yaaa! xD

Later in the day, Abby and I had Safety Ed together where we laughed so hard about it until our stomachs hurt. Abby is so embarrassed over it still, and I am never going to let her live it down. Nicole is plain mad about the whole thing. Everytime the teacher would say something, I'd turn it around and joke her about it nonstop. Haha, and the whole school was still talking about it, and everyone wants to know who the "girl" was. We were told how kids were really diving at that money, just as I predicted they would. :P

That's a memory my friends and I are never going to forget. Hahaha, I mean, wow, nuts ! ;P The rest of Friday was just alright. We danced in gym class where we learned some basic swing dancing kind of moves. I really stink at dancing, even though I think its fun. I get really shy and terribly embarrassed so I mess up and make more of a fool of myself. To make matters worse, we had to dance in couples, so before we even started and I heard that I got nervous. xD I enjoy it a lot and all, I just have a hard time catching on, if that makes any sense! :P

Then last night I spent most of my time playing Runescape and the sort. Yeah, probably doesn't sound like the Friday night of your average teenager, but that's what I did, and I have fun doing it so what can ya do? :P My runecrafting reached level 19 before I ran out of essence. I was so close to 20, which is my goal before I try to get magic to 20, and then crafting. Once I complete all that, I would have tried every skill I could and they'd all be over level 10. =)

For my daily blog special, I was reading the newspaper recently and stumbled across a strange article I'd like to share, although I hope nobody seriously considers falling into this new "craze." *True story by the way, I didn't make this up :P

Radically Random...

In certain towns across America, bored teenagers have been noted to get together and walk down the local streets throughout their towns on weekend nights until they come across a house with a fence in the yard. Then they'd take turns backing up quite a few steps in order to gain speed before they run and throw themselves right into the fence, sometimes in an attempt to leap over it. Once the fence is completely destroyed, the hooting and hollering teens run off down the block or speed away in a vehicle, awaking the owner who when upon opening their door, sees they now have a broken fence.

...and now maybe you can see why me choosing to spend my weekend nights playing a safe game such as Runescape rather then what you expect your "average teenager" to be doing can be considered a smart idea. :P

Friday, February 09, 2007

Bad Days -- Fiasco At School

I can always tell before being wide awake whether my day ahead of me will be good or bad. The 'bad luck' sign that is my own created tradition is if I wake up five minutes before my alarm is supposed to go off. I don't know if this happens to all people, but do you ever wake up randomly during the middle of the night and sometimes look at the time? I do, and most of the time I'm relieved when my alarm clock reads three or four in the morning, because I know that I can relax for a few more hours and sleep. Well, whenever I randomly wake up and I read 6:10 (My alarm goes off at 6:16 [don't ask why that very minute]), I know right off the bat that this day is going to be a bad day. And 75% of the time that's true. I hate that feeling too, it's the worst ever. Just to wake up thinking for no absolute reason, "Hopefully it's only four and I can get two more hours of sleep," and to see that instead I have six more minutes. The only thing I do is go back to sleep and hope that time stops. The worst was once when I randomly awoke at 6:15. I can't recall if that was a bad day or not, but I can recall that I did fall back asleep for that minute, and the alarm scared the hell out of me.

Today I randomly woke up at 6:10 and thought, "Shit, I only have six more minutes until I have to get up." I did fall back asleep, but with the feeling that today was going to be a bad day. And just to tell you right now, it did turn out to have some bad qualities to it, and most of them were school-related.

I woke up and my mother was already up downstairs. She told me that I didn't have to take a shower because it was freezing in the house, so I gladly took up that offer and went upstairs and played Runescape on my laptop like I do on most usual school morning, earning an extra ten minutes on it today (I normally take ten minute showering taking periods and then have twenty minutes to play). I thought, "Geez, maybe today will be good after all." Honestly though, what could be better? I was almost 70 firemaking on Runescape and logged out with only about 7k more exp to level up. Nobody bothered me at the maple trees in-game other than a guy who asked if I wanted to buy his pantaloons, so I earned pretty fast exp there this morning. After logging out and shutting my laptop, I realized that my usual morning pattern has been screwed up because I didn't take a shower, and I became tense and nervous. Normally after I take a shower, I put on clean socks and a white t-shirt, and I brush my teeth and put deodorant on. Then I can exclude all those later when I'm getting ready for school, and have more time to spare without worrying about missing the bus (even though my bus stop is exactly across the street from my house). Well, I was nervous because I had to throw all those on, quickly brush my teeth, and then get dressed for school like regularly. I get extremely screwed up if I don't follow patterns. A while ago my English teacher had us read a poem and it had to do exactly with the idea of patterns, and how as humans we mostly do the same things over and over again which turns into a pattern, or what some call a routine. And that is exactly true as I had found out this morning. When I was finally standing over at my bus stop, starring across the street at my house, did I realize that today may be a bad day after all.

The first half of my day at school, however, was good. In cultures we simply had to read an article on ethanol and write a four paragraph summary on it, which I can easily achieve. Then in computers we had a sub, but Jesse and I actually didn't fool around and play games but instead actually worked together on our projects. Spanish was mostly filled with "dog stories" (inside joke). And then SAT Prep Math we went over a practice test that we had to do and in English we had a free period. Lunch was great too, and I had two slices of bacon and tomato pizza, and a bottle of water. Math was okay, and Josh, Matt, and I had worked together on the even problems that we have to do for homework. Safety education was even good, and I just sat there mindlessly listening to the teacher's stories about this or that, and some of the gray area (inside joke). Then came gym, and my day suddenly went downhill.

I discovered that the dancing instructor was here today, and already that changed my day from good to bad. Did you discover a pattern yet? My day went from bad to good to bad to good and now to bad again. Anyhow, I'm not a dancing fellow. The only time I ever got into a dancing mood was at the 2006 semi-formal, and I was in pain for weeks afterwards. But dancing at school is decent. The last time we danced was fun, because it was more of a group dance that we did, where a triplet danced. But today we had to swing and have only couples. I didn't have a dancing partner at first because there's more men in our gym class than women, and I was actually quite thankful that I was able to sit out. Then, the teachers somehow got us back in. At first I was dancing with Nichole, and then later on in the class we had to switch partners and I danced with some unfamiliar faces. Then I was out again (yipee!) and was sitting on the bleachers when I looked at my watch. We only had ten minutes left to class and there was the dance instructor going on with teaching another dance. I wasn't nervous at first, because I had hope that somebody would realize what time it was and stop the whole process sooner or later. Well, that sooner or later never came.

We had five minutes left until the bell for the end of the day rang, and the freaking dance instructor was putting on the music for another dance. So here I am, sitting there with a group of other men, waiting impatiently for this guy to stop everything and say, "Well, your class is almost over so at the wish of your gym teachers, you can go get your clothes." Well, he didn't say that until we had only a minute left, maybe a little less. Now, I have been paranoid about missing the bus ever since I entered this school in 7th grade, and only when I realized what time it was, and how far I had to go and come back to grab my bus was, did reality strike me and say, "Y'know what little man. I think it's time that you missed that little yellow bus and experience the horror of being left behind and forgotten." As the dance instructor was telling us useless knowledge about some video when we had only that minute left, I started to slowly creep my way toward the locker room. When he released us, I quickly dashed toward the locker room, swerved around a corner, and flew to my locker. This is where my day gets a bit worse. I opened the locker, grabbed my clothes, and left it open for my locker partner. My locker partner, Matt G., was walking in as I was running out and he tried to hold me back, joking around, and due to my hidden paranoid trait of missing a bus and my secret anger issues, I knocked him down and continued on. I felt bad though, and I looked back and saw him on the floor, trying to get up as others were stampeding into the locker room. I couldn't stop to help, however, and I only had about three seconds until the bell rang. I walked to the doors of the gym and as soon as I did, the bell rang. Time to go home.

As I walked briskly down the main hallway toward my locker, I felt bad that I did such a thing to Matt, and guilt struck me like a train. I was at my locker, getting my backpack and coat out when Corey, the real Foote, was already ready and tried to talk to me. I ignored him, however, as I wasn't rushed anymore to get to the bus but was instead reflecting on the action I have carried out to Matt. I was walking back down the main hallway toward my bus when I saw Matt limping toward his locker. I went up to him and he was angry at me, and wouldn't talk to me much. I simply said "Sorry" as I truly was, and I had nothing else to say other than that, and I walked away.

I was sitting by myself on the bus ride home reflecting deeply in thought on what had occurred today, including the damn dance instructor and what I did to Matt. Most of that bus ride doesn't even seem like it existed to me. It's just a total blur in my head. I remember looking up and we were already at Jermyn and pulling away from one of the bus stops. I realized that I was further up on Main Street than I usually am on the bus, and after reality yet again hit me, I then realized that the bus stop that the bus was pulling away from was mine. I stayed calm and knew that the bus made a complete loop back up near my house anyway, and thought that I would enjoy the extra ride. However, I wasn't familiar with all the bus stops that existed down this way, and I wanted to know the closest one to my house. I turned around and got Matt B's attention and asked, "What's the nearest bus stop to my house?" It's pretty ironic as my usual bus stop is directly in front of my house, and I don't even take ten steps and I'm inside the warmth of my home. Matt just looked at me, and said, "You missed your bus stop?" Some of my remaining friends on the bus laughed at me and I just joined in on the laughter and said that I was sleeping and missed my stop. I found out that the closest stop was approximately two blocks away from my house and was on Main Street. When that stop came, I got off and started to walk to my house at a fast pace. Why? Because I was wearing shorts in four degree weather! I usually never change after gym class, and definitely couldn't today as I had mere seconds to quickly grab my clothes and run out afterwards. I must've been a sight -- walking down Main Street bundled up with a warm winter coat, a hat, and shorts. With the luck I was having today, I was afraid to cross the street to get to the other side in fear of getting hit by a car. Thankfully, I made it safely to the other side.

Up until now, my day has shifted gears back into 'good mode'. Knock on wood. However I have been upstairs in my room on my laptop since three and it's seven already, so there's not much bad that could happen to me. Knock on wood. As you can see, I'm a pretty superstitious fellow. I need a lucky rabbit foot and a four leaf clover right now to save myself from doom. I'm actually afraid to play Runescape anymore tonight. With my luck, my dragon woodcutting axe head will fly off the handle and then some random event will teleport me away, or I'll lag and log out. Knock on wood. I should actually knock on wood in reality other than just typing it...

Well, I had a rough day, and this weekend isn't going to be too relaxing. I have an English essay to write, a huge Spanish essay test to study for on the Spanish author Cervantes, and I have some math homework to do that'll probably result in me banging my head off of the wall. At least I have Don Quixote to read! Hopefully you'll hear from me again this weekend. If not, bad luck got to me.

Now I just need to remember to turn my alarm off for tomorrow morning. Ah, Saturday.

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Have a good one.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


At the age of sixteen, you wouldn't expect a teen to be pestered by noisy telemarketers and random people calling me about some ski trip or the Bank of America, but of course it does happen to me. I have owned my own cell phone now for about one to two years and I never had this problem until it got bad late 2006. I keep on receiving all these unknown phone calls, with unlisted numbers or some corny numbers like 666-6666, and mostly I'll just open my cell phone and close it. Sometimes when Craig is over, we'll open the phone and say something or fool around with the caller's mind. Honestly, every day after I come home from school I'll have one to six unanswered calls on my cell phone, and then I'm pestered with the annoying beeping because there's these calls on there. These people aren't calling to address me, however, and are calling and looking for a Megan. The very first week I had my cell phone, I would be getting voicemails from some business guy or a friend of Megan's and I found it pretty funny and had a good laugh about it, but this is just getting ridiculous. And I'm not changing my cell number. It took me about three months to memorize it correctly, and also I sort of like the pranks I can pull on the people who call me.

It appears that some Megan had this cell phone number before me then. I found it funny one day when Craig was over and the phone rang and he answered it. Some woman with an Asian accent was saying, "Hello, is Megan there?" and Craig said clearly, "No, this phone doesn't belong to Megan anymore." This this lady kept on saying afterwards, "Do you know her number?" and Craig kept on replying with "No." Finally we got sick of her and hung up. Even after that day, wouldn't you think that these same people would put two and two together and realize that this phone no longer belongs to Megan and that they should stop calling me? No. The same number called back the next day, and every single day afterwards. One day I'm sitting upstairs on my laptop playing Runescape, minding my own business when my cell phone rings. Who is it? Just guess -- the same damn telemarketers. I opened the phone and put the cell phone next to my laptop's speakers. I was cutting down maple trees in the game, so this person on the other line was hearing the noise of my character on Runescape chopping the trees down. Suddenly the tree fell down and made that loud noise, and then right away this lady on the other side said, "Hello?" I then hung up and had a good laugh.

Am I mean to these people? I don't think so. We already tried explaining to one of them that Megan no longer owns this cell phone number, yet I'm still bombarded with calls. This is a useless battle that I cannot win, but I can make the fight bitter right back at them. All I need is a soundboard and then I'm good.

My sudden writing motivation that I had suddenly just decreased in size, so I'm going to end this blog entry now with the following message: Stop calling me! Call me again and you'll earn a freaking bomb threat, then maybe you'll stop calling! Can I get in trouble for that...because they called me first...

Picture of the Day

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(Botanreaper2 and I)

Have a good one.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

What's the Use?

There I was, sitting in my father's truck in Waymart, Wayne County, Pennsylvania listening to my iPod as my father was in Ray's Supermarket shopping for some needed groceries. I was having one of those deep down thought sessions with myself about things that I'm always motivated to do once I'm out and about, but when I go home or I'm plopped in front of a computer, I have no want to do them. Well, my mind sort of wandered off as I was sitting there watching the windmills up on the mountain in front of me. Their blades gracefully swung around in circles at a moderate speed -- so massive yet so quiet. I was thinking how the power of the wind could move these blades which are actually constructed out of a light-weight material, and how due to the wind we're getting needed power. Then I recalled that the power generated was used miles away in the New York City area so then I sort of got mad at the landmarks that stood in front of me. One thought led to another, until I tried to sort out what I did this weekend. I stayed at my sister's apartment the whole weekend while my nephew stayed over my house all weekend. At my sister's I mainly sat in front of my laptop playing Runescape for hours. Yesterday I felt like crap (due to the smell of smoke that's lingering in my sister's apartment) and I had a small fever for most of the day, but I pushed myself to sit in front of my laptop, sitting on her living room couch, to get 90 woodcutting before my Runescape day ended. Thankfully today upon waking up I felt better. But that's mostly what I did all weekend. Besides playing Madden a bit with my brother-in-law, riding around with my sister, and playing with the cats, I just sat and played Runescape. I realized how much of my life was centered around that damn addictive MMORPG and how much of my time has been wasted striving for goals constructed of pixels. Am I going to change though? I highly doubt it.

The final thought I was debating over with myself mentally in that truck in Waymart before my father came out of the store was: What's the use of doing half the things I do? What's the use of my existence? Since May 2005 I have been playing Runescape, and until Jagex decides that it's time to shut the servers off, I'll probably resume playing the game. I always have this fear that Jagex will shut the game down. That my life and everybody else's that was consumed by this game will be lost forever, only converted to money for Jagex's pockets. That and the power and popularity that you had in this world of fantasy will be washed down the drain, and you'll wake up and realize that you're just a weakling. We're all weaklings. The human race is weak. The only reason why the human race is alive up to today is due to their brains. The brain is a strong tool, and the only reason why we have much of the things that we enjoy today is due to the brain. Anyway, if Jagex shut Runescape down, then all those hours of working for 'gp' and 'exp' for skill levels would be wasted. They aren't totally wasted. I have made strong friendships on Runescape (Jean/Julus Cesr, Botanreaper2, and Aeron/Dante just to name a few), made better real life friendships through Runescape with Craig, Caitlin, and Chase (the three C's), and it has taught me many real world values, such as merchanting (which I never do but I understand the concept of it) and many motivations for writing and game creating. However, someday this might not all exist. Scary but true, the way our society is headed and the rest of the world, we might all perish soon, not just a little computer game. Makes me wonder why we should keep on trying? If anything is to happen dramatically to the world and to mankind, then there's no use for history, for example. Everybody who was ever famous will no longer be famous after the human race is gone. There will be nothing left behind. Computers, blogs, television, radio, friends, cars, houses, etc. Makes me wonder what's the use for typing here? What's the use for making money? My head is in a state where nothing makes sense to me (probably the product of my intense headache last night), but I'm sure something will hopefully make some sense to somebody.

But why should be just give up on what we have and sit out and wait for the world to come to an end? The world may not end until the sun dies, who knows? Actually, before then the sun is supposed to swell into a giant dwarf (if I'm not mistaken) and swallow the Earth. The future is not predictable. If it was, life wouldn't be fun. What's the reason to live if you read in a short paragraph in the conclusion sentence that you're going to die at the age of 48? Are you going to have fun in your life knowing what exact day you're going to die on, and how you're going to die? For some it would maybe comfort them because they don't like surprises, but just imagine how depressed you would feel. Same goes to the outcome of mankind. I might sit here and say, "Okay, I'm just going to go on with my life but whatever I leave behind after I die, whether it be good or bad, might not exist to anybody years and years from now." And honestly, unless you're famous to a wide audience, you're going to be forgotten years and years from now anyway. Look at some old gravestones, maybe from back years after the American Civil War era. Can you clearly make out carved into that tomb who is buried there? That'll be you someday. Your empty grave will be without a title. The only thing we can hope for is the afterlife, and by God I hope I can cleanse my soul soon enough to guarantee a seat in heaven. Even though people say that you'll leave a mark on your family after you're gone, your family members will be in your dead, rotting shoes someday, and that mark will go to the grave with them. The next generation of your family may not even know who you were, unless you left a major mark on them that would have to have also contributed greatly to many other families or to most of society. A book, movie, video game, even maybe a blog, just like this, can be passed down from one century to another. Just like how I had fears that Runescape will be shut down, how do I know for certain that this blog will be around for much longer? Maybe Blogger or even Google may someday shut down. Maybe they'll start charging fees? Thankfully the hungry greed of the world hasn't taken control of that company yet.

What's the use of even writing this blog entry then? Why don't I just delete it all and move on to something else. Oh, of course, the Superbowl is on in about an hour (I hope the Bears win, by the way) but when mankind is extinct, who will care that Manning was the Colts' quarterback for Superbowl 41? Nobody, because there will be nobody. That's why I hope we start exploring planets soon and hopefully start living on them. Space exploration is the next step that humans must take to survive. I just hope that I'll have internet access on Mars.

I'm done with this blog. My thoughts are too "out there" and I need time for my brain to cool down after throwing my thoughts out there to the world. But I want to close with one thing. The one reason I write this blog is to entertain. Actually there's two reasons. To entertain and to have a journal of sorts for myself and others that are close to me. I do hope to leave a mark on people someday through my writing on here, and also when I publish books in the future. I hope that this entry made some sense, and that people can interpret it and wake up and realize what I'm trying to address to them. That our lives may someday mean nothing. There is a use to living, but what's the use after the soul and the body part ways? What's the use if mankind is to ever end? I watch so many shows in both school and for my own viewing pleasure about things like the top ten ways that mankind is going to go extinct and all about the ant-Christ and how the world is going to end soon -- how wonder I'm so depressed about these topics. I always said that I dislike mankind, but I think that secretly I'm trying to keep an eye out for them. And I am. I am concerned for people, yet just by my personality, as of lately, I haven't been too 'happy' as I'm just in a 24/7 grumpy mood. It's one of those changes that people go through in their life. A grand mental change. And hopefully through taking time to think "out loud" on this very blog, I can sort this change out with myself, and with anybody interested enough to read this, and change in a positive way. Just maybe...

Here you go:

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Da Bears! 42% out of 100% done with my goal of 99 woodcutting.

Have a good one!

Friday, February 02, 2007


Hey fellows, it's Caitlin, aka Fayedaddy reporting for blog duty. You may be making a face and going "fayedaddy?!" at this moment. Yep, Fayedaddy is my new nickname, haha. We'll see how long it friend's make up bazillions of nicknames for me (Papal, bach, thrust, fig, curly, cait, catty to name a FEW) ;P This past week, my friend Abby and I, now even Nicole a little, caught the Family Force 5 disease. At first we had symptons, now we are full blown ill over them. The band members names are Soul Glow Activatur, Crouton, Nadaddy, Chapsticke, and Phatty. So..Abby is Fouton, Nicole can go by Tactique, and I'm Fayedaddy because they are variations of the band member's real names. Hehe..maybe you can guess what nickname matches which real name, lawlz. =)

It's Friday night, and snowing a little. It's nice to see the snow. If only it had came last night. I really want a school snow day since we haven't had one yet this year and I was so tired today I would have loved to lounge around today xD I had a pretty good school week..just tired. I think I have been staying up too late. It seems everywhere I go I am reminded how important it is for teens my age to get enough sleep. This morning on the radio they said teens need at least 9 hours of sleep a night with falling asleep around the same time every night so your body can adjust to that routine. I have the worst routine for sleeping everrr, haha. I can go to bed at 8:30 when I really don't feel good, or as late as 11:30..dare I say later? :P I know there are plenty of kids my age out there that go to bed much later, but I really want to try getting more sleep simply because my parents think I really need to and they get annoyed with my "binge sleeping" on the weekends. After school, homework, and dinner, it is so relaxing to come on the computer and chat with my friends, search the web, or play Runescape. It's just a nice cool down from the day I guess. Sometimes I enjoy that so much I feel like I have to pry myself off the computer to go get ready for bed. :P I feel tired during the day too, and have the hardest time waking up so early for school. Today I wanted to stay in my bed, because I am so warm and comfortable and I want to stay that way. Hahah..but what can ya do. =P

I had some free time this week and went on Runescape multiple times. My ranging which was under level 5 just last weeked, is now 20! =) I am pretty happy about that. I enjoyed training on the cows in Lumbridge, then retrieving my arrows. A number of times I had strangers speak to me, and each time the only thing they had to say was that they wanted to be my friend, I'm hot, or they need a 'gf'. Ew it's so weird. I laugh everytime it happens, and it is like a guarantee it will happen to me each time I go on. Do I mind it? Nah, it's entertaining. I usually reply saying "No, I don't know you.." or "Um thanks but how can I be hot if I am a pixel??" -shrugs- I look forward to their replies and if they keep speaking to me. It's ridiculous though, I mean, best of luck to all you desperate kiddies that are probably teenage or middle school boys sitting with their friends fooling around out of fun and boredom to see if they can get some girl they don't know to go out with them in a pretend world since they told the girl she was 'hot'. :P That's just my opinion, haha. Anyways, after my ranging reached 20 I was deciding what weak skill I should work on next. It was then I remembered the Runescape to-do sort of list Buddy Foote had emailed me a few months back. I had done all but the Rune Mysteries Quest and Runecrafting. I thought hm.this could be interesting and a new thing to try out. I got out a few guides and looked/read some info, then I completed the quest, or so I think I did :P I had to sign out afterwards but tonight I am going to look to raising my nonexistent Runecrafting level to 20 by the end of the weekend. Maybe I'll like this new skill I never did before. We'll see...since I fell in love with ranging. When I first did ranging I really wasn't crazy about it, but then it got a lot more fun. I'm like that sometimes with almost everything now that I think about it, especially with songs. It can take a few tries or plays for me to fall in love with it.

Can you believe it is February already? I can't. When my Spanish teacher mentioned yesterday that tomorrow is Groundhog day it hit me, "omg! it's february?!?!!:(" In a way that makes me really sad, for reasons I won't go into. Well maybe a little. :P It hasn't snowed big yet! And winter is almost over. By the way, the groundhog I heard didn't see it's shadow so that means early spring? Sheesh, winter must be shy to show itself this year and is going to let spring take over so soon! Shame, shame. :P 10th grade is flying by so fast. I want to relive 9th grade, no, I want to go back to the start of 8th grade if I could then go through it all again knowing what I know now..maybe! :P I talk too much of the past I think, and not enough of the future. I guess it's because I don't like thinking about the future very much, let alone any decisions I might be forced to make. I was trying to think last night before I went to bed how I see myself in the future. I used to try to think of myself as going to college for as long as I am able to because I love learning and school I guess, then probably becoming a teacher who falls in love, sustains one of those amazing marriages that last for LiFe to prove that it IS still possible in this world, and then have children etc. Sounds like such a bittersweet dream doesn't it? .. =) The point I'll make is last night it hit me how rough that dream is becoming in my eyes. I now can see myself turning out as this lonely, quiet, shy girl sitting in the corner, flying through college, still becoming a teacher, although possibly a higher leveled one, maybe English, but not married or any of that, not because the future me didn't want that, trust me, she probably does so much, but it didn't happen for her, yet... It made me sad in a way. Hmm..I don't know what to think. This paragraph is turning out highly strange. How I got on this topic I don't even remember, but I think I like that I wrote about sounds like a story almost. :P

The way I jump to the most random topics in my blog entries, particulary this one, is unbelievable! Therefore I spoke of way to many topics to choose a sensible title for this entry. Let me recap for you. Family Force 5 and music, to friends, snow, sleep patterns, Runescape, February, and then to day dreams of the future?! It's so true what I was told once, I am so quiet on the outside but inside I am just bursting with all these words I am eager to scribble down on paper, or in this case, on a blog. It's my way of communicating without using my voice. Just my thoughts. I love that so much, haha. I think I'll end now, but I thought of a fun daily blog special I wanted to have start today. I am going to list 50 total completely random statements about myself, Caitlin, over the course of my next few blog entries (10 at a time), sort of like a series. :P I'm not sure if I ever made a real clear introduction about myself when I first started writing here, but I just feel like sharing some stuff about me in case any friends wanted to learn something new about me...although most of it probably wouldn't be that new to them anyway..ah who knows. Have a nice weekend anyhowww blog readers! <3=)

Radically Random...

1) I have red hair and brown eyes. :)
2) I have really cold hands. (but maybe that just means I have a warm heart? ;)
3) I have been to 9 different U.S. states.
4) I used to collect and care for all the amphibians and insects I found in my backyard.
5) I still have most of my childhood toys and collection of stuffed animals.
6) I make new friends very easily, despite my shy factor.
7) I drink water all the time. I try to drink the recommended amount for no reason except it's fun and tasty.
8) I get very nervous calling anybody on the phone. Therefore I prefer people to call me.
9) I like to follow the rules and read all instructions for anything I do in life.
10) I tend to say negative things about my appearance, doubt every action I take, and critizice anything I do.
