Sunday, October 23, 2005

A Good Play

First I'm going to say that I went hunting yesterday for the early deer season. I didn't get a doe although I could've got one but the story behind that is the following: the owner of the property we hunt on has a pet doe called Bambi. She has an orange collar on her neck so we don't have to worry about shooting her. Just make sure you see the doe's neck you're looking it. Well, the doe I had in front of me didn't have a collar on so why didn't I shoot? Bambi recently had a baby. And there's no collar on the baby because the baby shys away from the owner of Bambi. So the deer seemed small so my father wanted to make sure it wasn't Bambi's pet buck by looking around for a second doe. We found the second doe and it wasn't Bambi. Then my father said the doe wasn't small but was actually big. Then the deer turned it's back on us and walked away in pine trees. I was angry because I had my crosshairs right behind the doe's shoulder, safety off, ready to shoot and he says no, then when he says yes, my opportunity is gone. Although I did see ten doe altogether yesterday. Only two (the two I saw while in my tree stand) I could've shot at because the other eight were laying right in the field of the property we go on as soon as we got there. And two of them I could've shot but it was dark. It also didn't help that it was pouring, cold, and windy. Oh well...turkey next Saturday.

Then afterwards after I came home, I went with Corey and Craig to a play up at the high school called the "Soapy Murder Case". It was a hilarious play with a mixture of comedy and drama, yet the comedy overpowered all of the other elements of the play. We have some precent talent at our school yet what EDIT: ____ told me yesterday night, the last couple of plays sucked and that this one was actually good for a change. He said it was mainly because the script was good being that there's only two great actors in the whole drama club. Being that this was the only play I went to in my high school career, I can't say anything about that. I say all of the actors and actresses were good.

I started playing Runescape again. Friday before I went to the football game I went on requesting a bank PIN. Then I headed toward a mine but I had to shut the game off to get ready for the game. Then Saturday before I went hunting I played for about three minutes mining coal. I'm slowly getting back into the game. My main goal is to get rich off of selling coal. Being that 28 ores of coal selling for 180 gp each is already about 5040 gp earned. So in about ten full trips of mining coal, I should have 50,400 gp. I would need to get to work then...

...however I can't. Probably not for a while. And this, the following, may be why I won't post much this week. Right now I'm studying for a music test I have tomorrow on the six Broadway musicals we watched. I have to know who composed the music and who wrote the story for each musical. That's giving me a hard time. Then I have to go memorize my lines for Romeo and Juilet because tomorrow we're reherssing our parts. I just got back from the Dollar Tree in Carbondale getting plastic swords for the two fighting scenes my group is in. Then next week we have this big informative speech due on the 31st. Actually it was supposed to be this Tuesday but thankfully she moved it back.

Now I must go study, memorize, go to CCD, study and memorize some more, maybe play Runescape...dammit, why am I typing down my schedule that'll never work out!?

EDITED on October 24th at 9:18 P.M. due to demand and by being threatened with a machete.

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