Wednesday, October 26, 2005


"There can be more than one overlapping line containing the same two points."

"There are 3,500 calories in one pound."

"Patinar, to skate; caminar, to walk; bailar, to dance."

"Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee/ Doth much excuse the appertaining rage/ To such a greeting. Villian I am none./ Therefore farewell. I see thou knowest me not."

Verb: esquiar - to ski


yo - esquio (I ski)
tu - esquias (You ski) (informal)
el - esquia (He skies)
ella - esquia (She skies)
usted - esquia (You ski) (formal)


nosotros - esquiamos (We ski) (men/all)
nosotras - esquiamos (We ski) (women)
vosotros - esquiais (You ski) (men/all) (informal)
vosotras - esquiais (You ski) (women) (informal)
ellos - esquian (They ski) (men/all)
ellas - esquian (They ski) (women)
ustedes - esquian (You ski) (formal)

*accents over the e in el, the u in tu, and the a in the -AR ending ais*

"This day's black fate on moe day's doth depend/ That but begins the woes others must end"

*Other confusing geometry stuff involving graph theory, plane coordinate geometry, some other kinds of geometry, x-intercepts and y-intercepts, graphing, absolute value, distance assumption, dimensions, slope, rise over run, ax+by=c and y=mx+b, rays, opposite rays, undefined terms, angles, line segments, planes, points, lines, ordered pairs, nodes, arches, transverable network (or something similar), discrete geometry, and inequality rays.*

-An empty-caloire food is high in caloires.

This is just a taste of what I had to study today and I studied very little for each. Sorry about the headache and pain if you actually read through that. I learn informayion better when writing it down so why not on my blog? Four huge tests tomorrow and it's my birthday? Sheesh. "Forbid this outrage". Although that Romeo and Juliet skit may be pushed back to Friday now. Plus I still hardly got any research done on my speech. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get something in on the history of Nintendo but I have a major pre chem test. At least I won't have a test in these for a while having them all at once. Although I'm going to fail half of them. Why?

Math is getting me pissed. Our teacher thinks that because we're the advanced and upper class (with the other advanced geometry class) that we should understand all the material she covers with us the first time. But do we? No. Only about six people out of a little bit below fifty understand what we're doing. Plus even if she listened to our demands, she can't push it back to Friday because she's going to a wedding that day. And now to pre chemistry, my teacher wasn't there today and we have a test next class meaning we never even got a review; and nobody understands anything in there either. The only thing that comes through to me is electron configuration. And home ec. (my third test tomorrow; with Spanish being one and math being the other) is confusing because the test almost always follows nothing what we did and there's really nothing to study off of relating to the test. We just get these activites that involve you to find out how much excercise it takes to burn off a pound in a certain amount of time by jogging, or maybe weight lifting, and you can throw in even talking. Yes, you burn calories just by sitting where you're at. Being the speed typer I am, I believe I just lost 600 calories.

Time to go now and to add it snowed yesterday up at our school (it's at a higher elevation from where I lived) so we may very well be getting off to an early "wintery" start. Even one school in Sullivan County had a two hour delay. Some places closer to the New York borderline got close to a foot or over. I disdain them.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you rarely get any comments so i am commenting you!