Friday, October 07, 2005

Too Much Too Soon

Mind the title. I had nothing to come up with.

What a week…. Too busy for me. I have every book from my locker in my house right now besides my English-Spanish dictionary. I have a lot due for next Tuesday and I’ll need this three day weekend just to do it all. We have a speech due October 25th (an informative speech in which I’m doing the history of video games or maybe just Nintendo) and a pre chemistry project due next week in which we have to do research on some chemist and present it to the class. Now back to the speech, it has to also be visual. My idea is to bring a Super Nintendo in and have somebody play The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past as I read my speech, so that nobody will listen to me but concentrate on the game giving me an easy hundred.

I was just watching Doctor Phil when the whole episode was composed of debates and one of the debates was on the topic of if condoms should be given out in school. I say they should. We can have water balloon fights then with the condoms. Last year there were always broken condoms lying on the hallway floor and I saw not one this year and I’m a little disappointed in our school spirit for that. That’s probably because of those surveillance cameras and the new principal. Last year, our midget of a principal would be running around handing out Trojan condoms if he saw that on Dr. Phil. Why? Because Dr. Phil said so.

I think I might go play Runescape now. I need to mine some more coal so I can get at least 100k in gold. So far I have 60k worth of ores. If you’re interested in buying any, just give me the word and I’d be happy to sell. Iron is 100 gp each and coal is 180 gp each.

Good day!

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