Wednesday, January 25, 2006

"At The Bell"

First I must say that I hate when your tablets in school get full because then you have to get a new tablet meaning that all of the valuable information in your old tablet that you'll need in class may be sitting at home. I haven't run into this situation yet (thank God) but I'm heading there very shortly. The third quarter started today, I believe, which means we're entering the second half of the school year. Wow, time goes by fast when you're "having fun". But because it is now the third quarter, my notebooks are becoming filled with text and unused sheets of paper are becoming harder to find. Switching tablets would be a very hard task for me, probably resorting to the fact that I'll have to carry around two tablets for one subject. Such as math. We're now getting into proofs which means we have to refer back to older notes we took to find postulates, theoerms, etc. which surely means I cannot throw an old math tablet to the side. But you know what's really ticking me off? As a subsitute of getting a binder this year, I put all of my folders in my tablets which worked out well so far this year. However now I'm getting to the back of my tablets where I keep these folders where the folders rip and destroy the paper in the notebook. This means I might lose notes because of this or rip stuff or the like, which I disdain doing. While studying for the Spanish mid-term about two weeks ago, I started cursing when I ripped a page a little bit. It's not that I'm obsessed with being neat or anything (look at my previous post to a picture of my bed when I'm doing my homework and see how "neat" that is) but I just hate ripped paper or notes. I just felt like getting this off of my chest so if you read all of this, then you deserve a Grammy award.

Yea, I don't even understand why I just wrote the above paragraph. Anyway, "At The Bell" started today, also known as "This Program Will Turn You All Into PSSA -Taking Zombies", and we had to do the multiple choice questions today. Only some classes did this today. Actually all of my classes besides home ec. and English did it. And even beyond that, we did an open-ended question for music. And in music we do nothing more than talk and watch movies with some nudity in it. Actually there were only two scenes of nudity. It wasn't too bad however those open-ended questions that we're supposed to do on Friday are haunting me.

God I am horrible at answering questions in school. I messed up in civics and Spanish today responding to the teachers through oral speech. In civics we were discussing the Consitution of the United States and when discussing the compromises and main ideas, I answered some wrong statements which in one word sucked. And then in Spanish I was having a hard time trying to have my brain absorb all of the new information thrown at us about family members and birthday parties. Then the teacher called on me while I was writing down a translation and I answered wrong because I was behind translating a sentence prior to the one she asked me about. I only got uncle and aunt mixed up because I wasn't looking ahead at the proper noun (the name) but small things like that bother. This is why I normally keep my mouth shut in school. I learn and don't feel bad about the subject after the period is over.

Well, have a good one. Sorry about the huge and boring entry but I needed to type some problems down relating to school that I'm having.

1 comment:

Dr.John said...

You need to come up with a new award for people who read dull long blogs like mine.( Yours was intresting) Perhaps we could call them Gabbys or Dullys. Your young and you can come up with better names than that. How many dull blogs would one have to read to get a Dully ?