Sunday, January 01, 2006

School Tomorrow...

The new year is here and another Christmas break off from school is ending. Tomorrow every student around the area will be waking up at six or seven in the morning, get dressed, and go for a dramatic walk for miles to their bus. Thankfully my bus stop is right across the street with the only objective being speeding cars on main street. But the point being is that it's time to go back to studying, homework, mid-terms, and sewing (if you're like me and got stuck in home ec.) which sucks. This means less blog entries (in which I went crazy over break with normally three posts a day) and not enough time sitting around looking at Runescape sites and playing Runescape itself. At the beginning of break, I put together some goals to achieve in Runescape but the next day already gave up on them. Shows you how much I give up on select things. Also during break, my blogging spirit came back with the introduction of my new laptop computer with internet into my life, blogging quietly up in my room typing up better posts whereas if I was downstairs on my desktop typing, I'd be distracted hundreds of times and would not be able to think clearly. Also the Nixon 4800 is great.

But I yet again have that bitter pain inside of me when I think about school and the upcoming objectives of the harsh mid-terms that await us when we return. The worse being speech (which I have probably this Friday), Spanish (a lot to remember, si?), and pre chem (mole, conversions, binary compounds, chemical equations, and the like). And the worst part is that for pre chem, we have a test and mid-term back-to-back.

But the real thing that currently worries me is that my brain also went on break during this "vacation" and I won't remember what we did last or throughout the year, this being very very very bad with mid-terms right after break. I think we should get mid-terms before Christmas break, then take a break during break, and go back without having to worry. Only problem, nobody, including myself, doesn't want to do any work right before Christmas in which in some classes we did. But am I really going to remember all of the adjectives for Spanish tomorrow or all the angle thingymabobs for advanced geometry? Am I even going to remember how to sew? Are we going to watch the rest of that movie in English? (probably not...)

Yes, I have some books home now and I could very well go over some subjects like math and Spanish but I have that desire to stay on my laptop up in my warm room besides lying on my cold hallway floor with a book with foreign text in it and reviewing material.

I'll try it but the results may be deadly. Do not operate machinery after five minutes of starring at it. Do not drive while reading a book. It's just all too dangerous.

Although I must think, even though I'm here right now worrying about school and ranting on about the troublesome times, the world after school (including college) is even more harsh, more bitter, and involves more thinking. It sucks having a 100.8 average for the first quarter of 9th grade because it puts pressure on you. If I get lower will I succed less in life? Will my parents not be proud of me? God help us.

Happy New Year. Have a good night or day or which ever time zone you're in insert the perfect ending statement that best suits you and your needs.

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