Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Laptop Screen

I'm at my sister and brother-in-law's apartment right now. I stayed over last night and I'm going to stay over again tonight because my brother-in-law doesn't have work because he was injured the other day cutting open something. He cut his middle finger to the bone, but it wasn't a major injury; he was gushing blood every once in a while though. So him and I are just going to chill while my sister is at work, however (sadly enough) she's home now (pun included). They put a dart board in my bedroom and I quickly became addicted to the games 301 and Cricket. I'm actually good at darts. I got a ton of double and single bullseyes, triple and double numbers, and the whatnot. I kicked both my brother-in-law's and sister's behinds on 301, including one game last night where I got two double bullseyes in a row almost and a triple 19 or 18. The funny thing is that almost nobody can beat my brother-in-law at darts, so that's a sign that I'm somewhat good at it. Now when people ask me what I'm good at, I'll say writing and darts. But damn, is it hot out. The last two days it was above 90 degrees and I've had huge headaches just by being out in the sun. Thankfully the temperature is going down a bit, and I'm sitting in my sister's bedroom while the fan is on high in the window nearby. I was sitting on this bed before working on my Runescape trivia questions when I yelled to my brother-in-law, Bobby, when I noticed while looking at an open candy bar on the nightstand small ants all crawling around it. So after my sister got home from work we went shopping down at Quinns and Bob picked up some ant traps, so that should do the trick.

Just a few minutes ago I noticed something about my laptop that is really bugging me. The computer screen is all smugged up and blurry and there's little dots on the screen that when I try to get off with my finger nail, it gets works and then I have a nice fingerprint on the screen making the situation worse. One thing about laptops -- you can't buy a new screen/monitor. With a desktop, if the screen is bothering you, dump it and get a new one, no problem. Laptops, you have to dump the whole computer if the screen bothers you...but I didn't do any research so that's just my theory. Maybe if you could pop the glass out of the screen or something or I don't know...

I'm being forced to go eat so make sure you have a good one.

P.S. I'm taking a break from Runescape, however check out #Foote_Chat on SwiftIRC, I have my trivia running with 316 questions and more to come, plus my Runescape hangman. I'm done with slayer for now because I was assigned 13 bronze dragons and hell no I'm not doing those. But something is pushing me away from playing the game anymore. Is it a phase? Did that killerwatt assignment and me trying to kill the ThZaar folks with my whip scare me away as they hit constant 15's to me. Who knows?

[UPDATE after posting]: I forgot to add a few old Runescape pictures that I uploading right before I first published this post. So, here they are.

July 12th: I was cutting magic trees in my recovery to get my whip hen this one guy who's chopping the tree with me said that you can't get abyssal whips from abyssal demons. I just laughed to myself about that and even told Craig about it. So, I took a picture of the situation.

June 24th: I think I was fletching maple logs into logbows when I was heading back and noticed these two guys wearing full dragon, but I think without the shield. Thought I would take a picture of the event. By the way, my character is a woman in the picture.

June 25th: Fishing lobsters when this guy made some blue fires in a small shape. I thought it was cool and took a picture.

June 27th: I was in the Heroes' Guild dungeon when I headed over to the runite rocks and noticed that there were ore in one of them.

I didn't post these pictures in the past because they were on my laptop, not my desktop. And I can't find those pictures of Zezima's house when I was there for the second time. They were really good pictures too and I even got one of him. But, you win some and you lose some.

And thank you Caitlin for commenting about the screen wipes, I'll buy some ASAP.

Good day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hmm..my computer screen gets smudgey and fingerprint-ey often, so we bought these.. -ahem let me find the bottle-

Screen Cleaning Wipes - Anti-Static
Safe for Laptops, PDAs, Monitors, and TVs. The lady on the bottle is wiping her laptop screen.

Would using wipes solve your problem or do you have some other screen problem that I can't comprehend? =3

If so, you should buy some of these wipes & boy don't I sound like an advertiser :)