Friday, January 19, 2007

Writing and Reading

Hi =) I have been looking forward to writing a blog entry all week. I'm sure you might be sitting there wondering why I had to wait all week. The answer is because I was preoccupied with midterm papers and midterm-related stuff. Then when I had free moments on weeknights, I felt pretty tired and just enjoyed the fact I could sit and do nothing and think of nothing for a little while haha :P I have just been sitting around listening to music, particularly the band Brand New. I have heard of them before and liked a song or two of theirs, but ever since my friend fell deeper into them I have been listening to them a lot more. (: They are a good band, and I love the song they have called "You Won't Know". I get bored sitting and listening to music, so I like to chat a lot when I have music playing. Unfortunately not a whole of chatting or chatters are available. I want to spread word to some of my friends about the #Foote_Chat forum since there are still a group of people I want to try to get to join. :) In the meantime, I planned on writing this blog entry about writing and reading. I know it probably sounds weird or nerdy, but y'know what I don't care about such a thing, haha :P

I was lying awake in my bed, and the time had to be going on or past 11pm. I really am trying to get more sleep during the week so I am not so tired and miserable over getting up, among other things. Even on nights when I am really tired, I tend to just lie in bed with my tired eyes closed, but my mind still running on thoughts. These thoughts could include random events or moments during the day I reflect on, or what I plan on remembering to do. One of the things I wanted to do was write a blog entry so I lay thinking of a blog topic. I came up with writing and reading, which quite honestly sounded a whole lot better in my head. :P I like to write sometimes, and love reading even more. I continued to lie there, remembering when I was real little. As a child under five, I remember reading this alphabet book like everyday. I would be so excited when it was time for my mom to teach me more of the alphabet and all that kind of stuff. My mom told me I loved learning and once I started school I fell in love with it all, haha xD Apparently I had a nitch for reading, words, learning, and school from an early age. I think maybe that's why I still like it all today. :P The point I am trying to make is that I am happy I grew fond of all that so early. =) Some people don't like books. I don't know what I would do without reading or now even writing. It makes me feel good because being such a shy girl, I don't express my thoughts or feelings through spoken words (I have a hard time making sense in a simple conversation) but when I write or read I don't have to speak a word. I can just listen, and think...and I really love that. :) My English teacher one year even commented that I "may be very quiet on the outside, but deep inside I am roaring with words." It was something along those lines and I think about it so much sometimes because he hit it right on the nail xD

Anyways, I never liked steady writing that much. I never thought much about it, if I had to write for school I did it and that was that. I tried keeping diaries and journals when I was younger, but that only lasted a good two years because it would get to the point where I was like forcing myself to write in one. That wasn't good because a diary should be something I wanted to do, haha :P That and my life can be plain so writing "Hi Diary, today I woke up, brushed my teeth, ate breakfast, played outside, watched TV and went to bed." wasn't very interesting. :P Soon after holding a diary, I discovered the whole online blog thing. Today, I am writing here which is the best. =) I love writing on the computer. A blog worked so much better because I love to type :P It made me want to type, thus I would write to keep pages updated, and that increased my enjoyment of writing in general. The past few years at school, I have been taking my English wrting assignments more seriously because I like taking the time to think real deep and write what came up. English is and actually always was my favorite subject, which again ties into reading and writing as a whole. =)

I won't kill this topic, nor bore you. I think I am going to go play Runescape, believe or not. It's been what has felt like years since Caydalyn last signed in :P I have taken the following survey while jammin' out to more tunes earlier that I want to use for my daily blog special. =)

Radically Random...

Can you blow a bubble?: yes
Can you dance?: not really, but with my friends I try too xD
Can you do a cart wheel?: yes actually. they are fun! =)
Can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue?: no
Can you touch your toes?: usually.
Can you whistle?: yep. but not with my braces on. i was able to do so before them, haha.
Can you wiggle your ears?: no
Can you wiggle your nose? um..i dont know. maybe. lol
Did you ever get into a fist fight in school?: no
Did you ever run away from home?: no
Did you ever want to be a doctor?: no
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?: nope
Do you believe in God?: yes
Do you know how to swim?: yes
Do you like roller coasters?: not really :P
Do you own a bike?: yes and lovvve it
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: no way.
Does hair loss run in your family at all?: i wouldnt know lol :P
Does your car get good gas mileage?: i dont have a car
Does your family have family picnics?: i wish:(
Have you ever been on a plane? nope
Have you ever asked someone out?: no
Have you ever been asked out by someone? yeah but i am sure they were joking cuz pssh me? yeahright. that and i said no anyways..
Have you ever been to the ocean?: YES and have a strong attachment to it.=)
Have you ever gone fishing?: Yep! =)
Have you ever painted your nails?: just about all the time, haha
How tall are you?: 5'6" was what i was told last who knows lol
How much money do you have on you right now?: maybe a dime..err
Last person you hung out with?: abby
Last thing you said out loud?: i didnt say any words, just laughed pretty loud and random, out loud. =P
Last thing someone said to you?: "I'll try"
What are you listening to?: Hips dont lie by Shakira o.o
What is the weather outside?: freeezing.
What radio station do you listen to?: krz..bht..or 97.9x :P but my iPod is better than any radio channel, yo.
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: mcdonalds.
What was the last thing you bought?: um..i honestly dont know because i dont buy stuff a lot. -shrugs-
What was the last thing you had to drink?: water.
what was the last t.v. show you watched?: supernanny
Who was the last person you IM'd?: Tori, Mica, and Steve. Tie between those fellas' (;
talked to on the phone?: Abby
Who was the last person you took pictures with?: Abby and Nicole on New Year's Eve
Who was the last person you said i love you to?: My dog xD

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