Monday, September 11, 2006

Daily Blog Specials

From now on when I don't have a main topic to write about and discuss on this blog, I'll try to just post the daily blog specials that I include in all of my entries. This way they'll be more daily and it'll keep the blog updated and fresh. Just to note, however, that for the "Comment That Keyword!" special, on certain days I may be lacking keywords, thus I'll elimanate that special for the day, only putting in "Picture of the Day". I'm putting this here so I don't have to repeat it everytime, but it's already common knowledge to know. Also these entries will simpy be titled "Daily Blog Specials" and that's it. And now for your daily dose:

"Comment That Keyword!"

"how to guess a runescape bank pin"

I'm going to guess that whoever searched these keywords have hacked an account that has a bank pin, and are really pissed off because they can't break in. Well, screw you. Why the hell would you want to hack an account for pixels? Sure, we, the people who play and enjoy Runescape, work for these pixels, but you guys steal them. That's like stealing a social security number or a real life bank PIN. That's even more true for the people who pay the monthly subscription, thus the hackers almost literally take that money too. Let me just tell you one thing.

You either guess a four digit number from 0000-9999 and try for months to steal some fake money, or you go get a life and maybe try playing the game for yourself and having some fun.

Picture of the Day

Have a good day.

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