Sunday, September 17, 2006

Runescape Experience of a Lifetime

Another blog today from Caituhlin! Woop ;D Well, after a busy Sunday I need to take a break, listen to music, and writing a blog counts as relaxation in some good way =) Last night I did play Runescape as I mentioned, and I certaintly had a "Runescape Experience of a Lifetime" ! Afterwards I have come to the conclusion that Runescape can be a very calm, simple game where you can work on raising your levels in basic skills such as something like chopping wood logs from a tree or catching fish with a rod to being a dangerous, spooky game the next instant where if you wander into this wilderness you can encounter death head on, chop another real-life character's heads off, and watch them die&fall to their knees in a spooky-looking land of dead tree limbs, graveyards, demons, and bones scattered about. Seriously. =P Now that Runescape game is definately one diverse game!

Yesterday I eagerly logged in, and continued to kill cows. After a bit of that Steve said he might come visit me, so I kept debating what I would do. I like cutting trees when chatting to people because I can leave the screen for a few moments while I type as my character stands and keeps on chopping (plus makes it go faster than sitting and waiting for the tree to be cut all the way down), where if I kill cows I have to be alert and moving and can't really type much without stopping whatever I was doing completely. I cut about two trees, burned those logs, then actually ended up doing math homework until returning to Runescape when Steve was back and ready to visit me while I killed cows again. My strength, defence, and is the other called attack (not sure) levels are all 21 or 22 and my combat level is 27 I think. After a half hour of killing cows, burying their bones, and collecting hides (I have 274 or so of them) Steve asked if I wanted to go for a walk or adventure or something he said concerning me and stopping with killing the cows. I quickly said yes, because I really wanted to explore and do something new since it's still usually very exciting to me. I had no idea what I was truly in for though, haha :P We switched to World 1, and that is the most crowded world I have seen thus far! It makes sense why it would be most crowded too..but I got a bit dizzy when Steve took me through the crowds to have me see all the people at once. Woah. That was really neat though. I think my character even turned really shy around so many strangers :P Poor girl.

After that, I took off all my armor typed-clothes/equipment off and stored it in the bank. It was nice to see my character's cute orange pigtails because I had not seen her head since I started playing. :P Then I followed Buddy Foote. He led me into the wilderness...

Dot dot dot. :P


It got scarier as we ventured farther into it. It seemed really desolate, and I did not see any other people for a long time. Steve carried on with showing me different things I had not seen before, like demons and lesser ones are all I remember the name of. x.O The part I liked the least were these red-looking spiders that so came up and attacked me. My 23HP went right to 19 very fast. As time went on, I even realized that each time some foreign creature was close or even hit me I was yelling at the screen "Help me!!" or "Please don't come by my, please just leave me alone okay!?" repeatedly, which was really funny xD Once Steve's friend came online, I guess he explained to him what was going on and where we were at. I then followed Buddy Foote out of the wilderness, and he gave me some armour things and food in the meantime to aid me because we were going to go back into the wilderness after we waited for Steve's friend to come and meet us.

Once his friend got there, he gave me this Amulet Defence green necklace looking item that I put on, and we proceeded to re-entering the wilderness. For some reason there seemed to be a lot more people fighting each other at the entrance of the wilderness than there were before, and I had this instant fear/feeling that when Steve's friend said somebody is going to die, "either us or the other people", I felt like saying "Uhm yep that person who's gonna die is Miss Caydalyn over here!! -waves-" :P

We barely made it far when my computer started lagging because I could barely reply to the messages, and thats always like a foreshadowing of events to come for me in that game xP When we turned this corner or something suddenly this guy came out of nowhere popping up behind my character and attacking it. I tried running ahead but then that seemed pointless and I had no idea which way to run and he just caught up with me and kept on whacking me. I saw my green bar of health turn more and more red and announced "Well I'm a goner. =(" so I logged out after it said "Oh dear. You died.", put my face in my arms and laughed/sighed saying "oh man oh man oh man I knew it" =/

After 2 minutes or so of sitting here reflecting upon what just happened, I logged back in and apologized to Steve and his friend for dying, because I felt bad that I died :P I do feel bad, because I wanted to live and experience more of the land that made my heart beat fast from excitement =P Haha that was weird...but yep that was the end of my Runescape time for the day because it was nearing midnight and I could not keep my eyes open much longer :P It was quite the adventure though, I won't forget it, haha and what is it like the 3rd, 4th, or 5th time I have died already? -shakes head- =P

Wow I never thought I would ever have enough to say about a Runescaping time to make one full long entry about, but I must! Look at this entry, phew. I hope someone finds it interesting (: Take care then <3

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