Sunday, October 15, 2006

Daily Blog Specials

Even though they haven't been too daily lately and I haven't been posting too much due to school and Runescape, I have the daily blog specials to put up today, mainly as to at least post an entry every once in a while. I haven't been too keen on thinking up things to write on the blog, and mostly when I find a good topic that would be interesting to talk about on here, it's mostly when I'm doing something or in a place far away from a computer -- for example, in school or in the shower. Strangely enough, I think the most in three places. These three places are in school, in the shower, and at night in bed when trying to fall asleep. In other times, my brain seems to just shut off and run away. In all of these cases besides school, I'm mostly relaxed, thus my brain can pump all thoughts through seriously and I can think logically. Like right now, the new surround sound in the living room we're redoing is blasting while my grandmother and mother are talking loudly and the dog's making noises by walking on the hardwood floor so I can't really concentrate right now and I have a minor headache, thus why you're only getting the daily blog specials, and here they are:

"Comment That Keyword!"

"what's a good pest control world in runescape"

Okay, where to start. Google is not the place to be asking for the current Pest Control world, and if you're using Google, I'm going to help you out right now. The best place to find out the current Pest Control world is by going on a specific Pest Control channel on a Runescape IRC server, such as SwiftIRC. To do this, download SwiftSwitch and use the IRC client on that, or hop onto Zybez's Tiko and use their Runescape client to hop into an IRC channel. Or, just get some program like mIRC to hop onto the channel. I'm not going to give any more specific directions unless I'm asked, but I'm just pointing anybody in need in the right direction. If you're trying to find the Pest Control world on forums or on Google, such as this poor fellow, then please, for your own sake and convience of time, use IRC.

Picture of the Day

Free Image Hosting at

I just quickly want to congraulate my grandmother, Rose, and my grandfather, Steve, on their 50th wedding anniversity that was on the 13th. Today we had a party at the Montdale Country Club for them and it was a very nice party, and I must say, cute in a way. More information might be provided by Jenifer because she went also to this party. Also a happy birthday to my grandfather as his birthday was also today. Let the coming years be good and filled with happiness and joy.

Have a good one.

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