Well I was sitting here trying to think of something to do when all of a sudden Cupid struck me in the ass with an arr…wait, never mind. Forget I said that. Wrong diction in this case. The point I was trying to make was I wanted to find a way to pass the time until I can talk to mine Coy Mistress, as she is 'occupied' atm, and out of nowhere the idea to write an entry came to me. I'm listening to a personalized compact disc she made for me, of all the songs that remind her of me. It helps ease the pain when I miss her the most.
I was looking into the near future of my life and it's pretty busy and fun. This will probably be the last time you hear my key strokes for about 2 weeks. The past few days have been too cold to do shit, glad I'm not swimming or anything of that nature. Maybe it will warm up a bit for tomorrow, I haven't checked the weather yet. But even if it doesn't warm up I'll still be having fun. Tomorrow night I am going to mine Faerie Queene's dance recital, and afterwards I will be celebrating KKK day with BuddyFoote. (NOT the Klan of whom you are thinking.) I'll be at his house all day Saturday as well, doing whatever the fuck we want. Sunday I am celebrating the national holiday of Burgers with my sweet 'Juliet'. I'll be at her house all day as well. Jeeze, I might as well move to Jermyn for this upcoming weekend. Monday I will be on a quest to obtain all the necessities I need in order to live in Virginia Beach for a week. Yes, it is Vacation Time in the Matomatic household. Almost every year we go to VA Beach for vacation, except a few exceptions, which honestly, weren't as good. As much as I love nature, a beautiful view of the Smokey Mountains can't beat the infinite view of the great, vast ocean. That's my view probably since I fucking live in mountains =P. So si, mine body is leaving thy state late Monday night, and will not returnth till the following Sunday. So I will basically not even be home for 10 days, hence the title. I will make sure I write an entry when I get back, filling everyone in on life in other parts of the country…
Well after a few hours of choppin down willow trees, i started to get bored. I figured that i would wonder around the internet to try and find something to do to entertain myself. After checking through some other forms of blogs and leaving some comments here and there, i found this one. This blog seems to be a nice one and your lives are going rather great =D I do have one concern though. Who is this Juliet you speak of. She sounds like quite the fair lady ;P I do have to say this though, thou fairest lady seems to be quite the bitch, I mean bloody honesty she has you wrapped around her finger, I think with my knowledge as a College student in England, i know what relationships are like. Sadly enough i think you should just bloody leave this bitch and find someone else (also if thats her picture in the blog...man are you blind or just have blurry vision...) anywho, i have water polo practice soon, i must be off, i wish you the greatest day and a happy vacation.
Fuck off lorrey, you wouldn't know a good looking woman if she came up and bit your ass. Keep your mind out of our fucking country and work on your speech impediment.
Oh look. It's a bloody lil' fucker imitating me. Sorry Matomatic that you had to be foiled by such a lousy imitator. I know I wouldn't know a good women if she bit me on the ass as I'm homosexual. However, your girlfriend does have good eyes -- the only attractive thing I find on a woman. And no, I'm not bisexual.
The author of this blog came onto Runescape today telling me that somebody was imitating me while I was busy leveling up my summoning. I quickly rushed my flipping ass over here to see what was going down in China Town. It seems that this little gay bloke was acting as me. Hey Lakelandwhatever from that bloody blog. I told you to take your anger out on me via my e-mail or site. Don't be hating these innocent blokes. Okay? Fuck you. Fuck you all. I've got my plane ticket for New York, New York, and I'm pretty sure your house isn't too far away. I'll bloody give you a bloody face, you tawt. Like the colour red? I'll give you plenty of it. Actually, I sort of hoped the fighting would stop when I left that flipping blog, but I guess not. You went too far fucker. I swear to hell, I'll rape your bloody body! And if this is a female posting, then . . . I'll get my straight buddy Arnold to get you.
Fuck you!
Now, i normally don't come onto this blog, but on this rare occasion i have seen a very familiar name within the people i have added on my buddy list, so i decided to check it out. And to my surprise the fucker posted, Now where in the right mind did you have the right to say that i was on Runescape, talking to you. Giving you information that you can use to find that person and talk to them. Now lets recap, since i have yet to log onto to Runescape since i quit that was a bold face lie, and who else but a few select ppl have known that i played and that i like her, heh not many. So all of these fuckign lies better stop Ryan or RoRo whoever you are, maybe not even 2 ppl, but rather one covering his ass, i really hope your happy, cause you've fucking completely fucked my life up now, and there is now fixing it. I am pretty sure i know who this Mr Lorrey is, but as for now i have gotten a chance to talk with you, so respond to my message as i would like a word with you, as you have no damn right to do any of this, and i swear if i get my "Bloody" hands on you, your as good as dead..
Honestly guys. This is supposed to be a family friendly blog and for the past two days there has been bickering on it. Cursing. Horrible cursing. Just stop. I don't want my website to be the stage of some new hit drama coming to CBS.
Lorrey, you're a prick. I'm the one who was bored a few days ago and went on Runescape and saw him on there, so we had a good hour of chatting. I brought up the conflicts that have been going on the past few months, and then look what happened. I don't have a lease on this guy to control his actions. Honestly Lorrey, if you're going to be like this, just stop. Everything was going fine. There was no fighting. And no you're screwing up the lives of everybody. I WILL contact you through mail to come to a compromise. And no threats. C'mon. We're civilized people here.
And Craig, sorry that this happened. I was telling Lorrey this story defending you the whole time, based on his comments on Carol's blog. I became angry that Carol...I don't know. You deserve to be together. Not Neil and her. That's my opinion. I don't know what happened.
So everybody. Stop. Please. Go somewhere else. Anymore offensive comments and I'm deleting them. Seriously.
Well, Steve i am glad to see you show up. Now to my understanding i asked to speak with Ryan, not you, or am i speaking with Ryan. What i do know is that according to you "opinion" that you stated in your post about thinking that we should be together, shows quite the resemblance of Ryan's posts on her Xanga...now i know i am not the only one to see this..also, did you forget that my brother still plays Runescape, yeah so your name never came online, so to me, this seems to be one person in one, and you better explain your ass if you don't want me to think its you...
Excuse me for intruding, but I'd like to say a few things considering my name has turned up more than once in this whole thing. Steve, I do believe that Lorrey's comments on my blog were based on what he had already been told, so how could you have "defended" Craig in "this story"? Also, you really had no business even telling him about me and Craig's feelings at all cuz frankly it had absolutely nothing to do with you. You gave him a one-sided story and left him to attack me like a dog. Your little opinion that I'm going out with the wrong person does not give you any right to screw with me. I have a will of my own, and I deserve to be with whoever I choose. No one, I repeat, no one dictates my life. I already responded to Lorrey's nasty comments even though I didnt really have to explain myself, and I believe my arguements are pretty strong in any case. So there you have it. I did it all without being nasty or insulting or offensive, cuz frankly that's just immature.
i just wanna say, whoever left that first comment, get a frigging life. fuck you. you're a bitch for even bringing anything up about me. once again, jealousy just has to come into play. get a life. just cause your life sucks doesn't mean you have to go around telling other people that they're screwing up their lives, when it's 1oo x's better than yours will ever be. just cause you can't get a girlfriend doesn't mean you have to trash someone else's. so stfu and get a life.
defending matt and britt, lay off of them, people who go one blogs under fake names get me sad. its not any of our places to say who belongs with who. if it were that easy nice guys like steve would be with super models. but much to steves dismay thats not the case.
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