Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to any reader who actually reads this. If you're from the United States, have a great day eating turkey or whatever your family tradation if of eating (my grandmother's is ham) but the point is, you're home with your family sitting around a large table eating a wonderful feast that your mother stayed up all night making, or your wife, or your grandmother's ex-boyfriend's cousin... (that was just random for the note).

Anyhow, I cannot enjoy the Thankgiving meal because of my mouth disease. I woke up at six in the morning because I couldn't even sleep, and at four in the morning, I woke up to a pulled muscle in my right leg. I don't know why but almost once a week I pull a muscle in my right leg early in the morning in bed just by stretching. But everytime I do it now, it gets a bit worse and worse as in the pain and how long it lasts. I was there for a good two minutes clutching my leg holding back the pain. Anyway, off-topic here. I can't eat anything hot or spicy. So, no turkey, gravy, stuffing, etc. And no hot sauce. Oh no! I live off of hot sauce! Damn it! Err...anyway, there goes my feast. Instead, I have to chug down yogurts, cottage cheese, and mouth wash. Hell, I couldn't even eat a chocolate bar yesterday the pain was so bitter. I almost forgot what it felt like not to have canker sores all over my mouth. I'm getting them on my fricking tongue now! And with the sickness, I'm pissed off as all hell so last night trying to get more pictures off of San Andreas for this blog (and just to play), I hit TAB + ALT to get off the game to activate the SA admin console. Well, the game lagged on me so poorly that when I got outside the Johnson house, it just froze. I was cursing my brains out at my computer, spitting at it and pounding on it, and yelling at my father (who was upstairs sleeping by the way) that he should get a faster internet connection besides Verizon and besides saying it's my fault the computer is going slow when it's his.

Anyway, the bright side is that we got snow overnight and it's still snowing a little bit now, but mostly just a flurry or two. You can still see tall strands of grass though so we didn't receive too much. Now maybe up on higher elevation where my school is got a bit more, but being down in the valley, we never get anything. My future plans when I move out is to buy property up in the country so that I have a huge ass yard and maybe a forest in the back. Then when deer season comes around, I'll just sit on the balcony on my back porch and wait for a huge twelve-pointer buck to come by before blowing its head off.

Also, I heard recently that the next big Grand Theft Auto title is supposed to be an exclusive to the Playstation 3 and the Playstation 3 only. Okay. Now I'm pissed off even more and not relating to my damn canker sores. First, I had my plans for the Nintendo Revolution. I'm loyal to Nintendo. If I were offered a free Nintendo DS or a PSP, I would rather get another Nintendo DS because I just don't find the PSP to be fascinating. Sure, it's cool. Sure, I'd love to carry it around with MP3's I uploaded from my computer on it. But guess what, I'm not going to. For one, it costs too much and with memory card and all. Two, it breaks like a skinny ass twig. And three, I perfer a screen that didn't give me a stiff neck like the Game Boy Advance did. I just love Nintendo that much that I will buy a product from them even though criticals says it might suck or it's below average. Now to furthur customize this plan, I was planning on getting GTA4 on my new computer in the future. I thought that hopefully San Andreas would help me master my gaming skills on a computer. Now, with this news, I can't do my original plan if I want GTA4. But I refuse to buy Sony's shitty silver box. So guess what, no GTA4 for me unless they release an emulator and ROM on the computer.

I hate Sony. And I hate Microsoft. Now, I don't hate the Xbox that much. I hate Windows. Make Windows ad-free, virus-free, and full of GB's and processing RAM, and maybe I'd change my mind. But Sony, I'll always hate you...

Anyway, I pulled something in my typing hand just now after falling on the floor because I can't walk with my pulled muscle, so I'll go now. There's a virus scan on my computer now so after that, I may reset and finally get those San Andreas pictures with action.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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