Saturday, November 19, 2005

Just Made My Day

After playing Runescape all morning, mining coal and iron, I finally sold them all today using Runescape Community and received 80k gp in return. That's the most money I ever had is 80k, and after my account was hacked, it's like a dream. Now I can finally get back into the routine of things. My next step is to buy a rune pick ax for 30k and a full set of addy armour for 30k also. That leaves me with 20k left, which is the amount of money I had before I was hacked. Then I'll be able to mine faster with my rune pick ax, getting money faster, then I can move on from there.

The last two days, including somewhat today, I was sick badly. And that wasn't good because I went to school yesterday extremely sick with a fever and took three tests (music, home ec, and pre chem). And even beyond that, I went to the football game last night when it was 27 degress F outside. Shows how loyal I am to high school football. Although Lakeland lost 0-35 to Hanover and that means the play-offs are over and that our season is over. Which sucks badly.

Now being that I can't think right now with my sickness, I'm going to go. Good day...

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