Friday, November 25, 2005

Touching Stuff...

I horribily suck at creating a title that matches the topic at hand so please bear with me.

Anyhow, it has come to my attention today that my nephew touches my video games upstairs and that really pisses me off. Now, my nephew steals my bed on me everytime he sleeps over until we clean my old bedroom up (which is the size of a large closet) and that doesn't seem like that's going to happen anytime soon. I promised that around June, cleaned up the floor, and destroyed the project. Anyway, when my nephew wakes up, I'm not home because it's Monday and Monday is the start of a new school week. So, he's upstairs in my room with my stuff all by himself. So he normally turns the TV on blast and watches his cartoons.

Now the last time he slept over, all hell broke out. When I went upstairs after school on that Monday whenever that Monday was, I found my Playstation 2 on, my Teteis game on the floor, and my memory cards being played with. I was at the height of being so furious that I destroyed his eye drums yelling at him. Now today while turning my Playstation 2 on to play a football game, I found that he must've been playing with my Gamecube too, because Super Mario Sunshine was in the cube and Animal Crossing was lying on my dresser, unprotected aganist all elements of nature. That is the last time he plays a game again in this household.

As you may or may not know (concerning if you were a reader of my old blog and you remember anything from it), my nephew is addicted to games. Although his gaming aspects turned to many destructions, such as deleting my save file on Super Mario 64 with my brother's 120 stars on it (a historic day in my book that I remember well) and my hard-earned save file on The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. He also caused many other destructions, such as almost destroying my Super Nintendo controller by biting on the wire, and he did it recently, and he's four. He destroyed his father's Playstation 2 at an earlier age by putting a coin in the disk slot. If he did that to me, I wouldn't know what to do. Seriously. I'd probably catch my body on fire and run around screaming.

Although, he's good at games and he's getting better. It's a lot of fun sitting down with him and playing battle mode on Mario Kart 64. He's just way too addicted to the games. And now I heard he's getting a Gamecube for Christmas. Amazing. I'd be afraid to hand over a delicate Gamecube over to him if he broke a huge box (Playstation 2). Now if he broke an Xbox, I might as well call him the Incredible Hulk.

Hopefully with him earning a Gamecube, he'll catch on using more modern day controls and gameplay. Maybe this'll will be an advantage, and besides him touching my Gamecube stuff, he'll only touch his own.

Now onto non-family news, San Andreas does in fact already have a multiplayer mod out, found here. It works pretty good, although I was dissconected from the server a lot. If Multi Theft Auto is supposed to be a lot better than this, then they have done themselves good, and us too. Try that out though. It's worth it. I might actually go play it again but I doubt I'll take any screenshots. It's only a bunch of CJ's running around.

Good day!

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