Saturday, March 10, 2007


Happy [early] St. Patrick's Day! ;P I am in a very Irish-related mood today, due to the fact I enjoyed watching a wonderful St. Patrick's Day Parade outside today in the city. Today was the date for the annual fun St. Patrick's Day Parade! :)

I've been to a parade a time or two before in my life, although it has become this slight tradition for my mother and I to go into town every year on a Saturday in March to stand along the sidewalks and watch the colorful floats ride by, hear the loud music, and witness the crowds of people. I love parades, and always have since a little girl. In fact, I always yearned to be in one. (Hasn't happened yet :P) Therefore I was looking forward to this weekend. I woke up earlier than usual this Saturday morning to get ready as the parade started around 11:30/noon and the roads are closed before then, not to mention parking can be difficult to find. We spent some morning time before the parade's start shopping around the mall. I only go to that specific mall maybe once or twice a year, so it's rather big and I look forward to walking around inside it. We did what felt like a lot of walking, in and out of a number of different stores, trying on perfume, looking at pretty jewelry, lots and lots of clothes (specifially shoes&leggings as that's what I wanted to buy), and house-related items. I always feel like laughing because it's funny that whenever I go to the mall with my mother we seem to spend most of the time looking at appliances or pots and pans. Pot after pan. Pan after pot. :P I don't find pan shopping extremely thrilling, so I was happy I brought my iPod along for those store aisles. x) Once it hit 11:00am, I had plans to find my good friend Nicole at the center of the mall, first floor. I found her without too much trouble during the time my mom gave in to this man selling lotion and begged for her to try a sample (she has dry hands anyway). By the way, those men that sell those lotions are really quite scary. :P They obviously say the same thing to every female that walks by, complimenting them like they're the most beautiful woman they ever saw. :P I am so scared of them, seriously. My mom just laughs at them and takes it as a big joke, so I laugh too. They talk and talk about this extraordinary hand product and flatter her when they say we are sisters, so I back farther and farther off. Then when I go back over to try to tell my mom I found Nicole, the man literally takes my hand to shake, asks my name, age, and if "such a lovely young girl as me" has a boyfriend. It creeped me out so bad I didn't shake his hand back but stood there, blushed, and ran the other way. Haha xP This is the second encounter I've had with this stall, so I try to keep my distance, it's too weird, lol!

Once clear of the scary-lotion-man-stall, I re-introduce Nicole to my mother and we walk around the mall alittle before we head out to the street to watch the parade. I was really happy we got to meet up with Nicole. =) I had fun giggling with her at all the silly people that went by and waving to every elderly person we saw in a float. My school's drill team and band was the first school in line within the parade, (a huge first, usually my school's dead last, no joke) so we waved to our friends which of whom seemed to notice us immediately, which I thought was strange. :P It was windy and kind of chilly standing outside so I had this long green scarf to match this green striped sweater I was wearing (green's the festive color, eh?), and wrapped the scarf sorta around my head, so I looked terribly funny no matter how many times Nicole said I looked fine. xD I probably fit in with the Irish culture somewhat well, since I have the red hair and Caitlin is a rich Irish name. The only thing is that I am not 1% Irish, but it's fun that people want to think I am, haha.

We spotted a number of classmates we knew from school at the parade and in the parade themselves, so that was fun. After a little while my mom got pretty cold and we retreated to standing inside and watching through these glass windows until I went with Nicole to find her mother. By that time, the parade was maybe only half over, and this grotesque smell was growing stronger and stronger throughout the mall. :P I sensed it immediately, and it reeked, very very bad. :P It seemed to be coming from vents above our heads, because at random spots as one would walk through the mall, the smell would seem stronger. I was laughing pretty hard because I could blatently overhear people coming in, taking a deep breath unknowingly, and exclaiming (ewwyuckk ohh what is that, it smells like ...!!!??) Haha, it made me laugh. My mom and I think it was sewage, and it probably was. o.o

Anyways, we tried walking away from the areas that smelled the worst and ended up at the other end of the mall to eat lunch when I ran into two of my other friends, Ashley and Tiffany. I was excited I got to see them as they had been on a float, but I missed seeing that part even though I wanted to. :P They spotted me and ran up the stairs, where we talked for a little bit (even about that smell) and then went into this one shoe store together. I thought the whole day was going great, and I was having fun. :]

The afternoon was growing longer, and I started to get a little tired from being on my feet all day so since we couldn't go home just yet as the parade was still going and the roads are mainly blocked off (it's quite a large parade), we went back to finish watching the end of the it! =) Again, I spotted some more kids I knew, and before I knew it the last few floats went by, the streets filled up with last-minute vendors and people crossing with baby strollers, and it would be time to leave. I'm glad I got to go this year, if only it hadn't been as cold as it was, but the weather&temperature seems to vary every year I've gone to this :P

Anyhow, once at home I got to have a delicious warm cup of hot chocolate and a moment to reflect upon the day. =) Now that my blog entry is all typed up, I want to sit down from having stood all day, and probably just play Runescape-something or other. Tomorrow I have more than one test to review for on Monday, because due to this pop -up snow day on Wednesday that we had, all my teachers still want to squeeze in this work&/or test all on Monday before we won't have them in class for a couple days because of testing. :P Er..what can ya do. Have a great day everyone(:

Radically Random...

For my daily blog special today, I want to do a word of the day. I know that Buddy Foote posted a word of the day a long time ago sometimes, but since last weekend, I became inspiried by my mother's idea for me to learn one SAT vocabulary word a day. What I have been trying to do is every morning when I come downstairs, I've been looking in my notebook to read a new word and it's definition over a few times (takes me maybe 10 seconds). Once I feel I have it down, I go about my day with the word in the back of mind, and my goal is to try to use that word within a conversation that day. =) I think it's a fun little personal goal. I have words filling up a notebook as we speak, and have been trying to improve my vocabulary. Therefore I thought it would be neat to every once in a while post what my word of the day was for that specific day my entry is posted on. :]

Today my word was:
contentious(adj.)- quarrelsome
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey Caitlin, I have a question...would you like to be co-owner slash co-editor to a site that I am thinking of creating?

here is a little description:
Peachy Parfait is a newspaper that allows writers to showcase their poetry, short stories, jokes, etc. Writers may also choose to write about their personal experiences. They can post their own announcements as well. Occasionally, contests and giveaways will be held for the writers. Basically, it is a club for those who love to write.