Saturday, March 17, 2007

Snow and a Bird

Well, we've gotten yet another large snowstorm. Winter certaintly came late this year. At my house we got over a foot, I was told roughly 16 inches or so. We always get a lot at my house. :P I went out in it after school yesterday when it started and it was already close to going in my boot. I got out early from school due to this oncoming storm. The snow was really powdery and soft, not as hard, chunky and frozen as the Valentine's Day storm. Heh, and you know what's weird, this can be called the St. Patrick's Day storm =P I hope this is the last snowstorm for this season, as I am more than ready for the warmer weather. Just last week it seemed that spring was coming, and each day was getting warmer. Then as soon as I have my taste of spring, bam, we're hit with a foot of snow, wind, and cold temperatures all over again literally the next day. xD Not that I hate the snow, it's nice during the winter season, but I really enjoy spring and summer too. ^^ I was supposed to have Drama all day today, (I'm on stage crew for the spring play again) but it was cancelled because of the storm. I am supposed to go tomorrow then, the thing is, we're kind of stranded in my house. When my father travels, it's difficult to get the driveway plowed and us dug out as good and as fast. My brother shoveled a path but since it was windy the snow is going to just blow back and our one vehicle is in the garage, and in order for it to come out we have to somewhat shovel the second smaller driveway. So, it can be complicated and I may have to ask for a ride to the school if we can't completely finish shoveling that driveway. =P I hope Drama is fun though, I am anxious to go, then I realize it's going to be a lot of work sometimes, but that's what makes it fun.(=

I have a story I want to just write about again because it's amazing this situation is still going on. As I sit here typing this, there has been a bird flying into the kitchen window in front of me. Exactly one year ago today, St. Patrick's Day, I believe my mother and I were getting home from the parade. I was coming into the kitchen, taking off my coat, blah blah whatever I do when I heard this really loud "peck!" behind me. I get a little spooked and see a tan bird with a big, bright red beak flying beak first into the large kitchen window.

I exclaimed "Oh my gosh! I think a bird just flew into the window!" My mom and I were tired and I think she told me not to worry about it and we went about the rest of our evening. The following day, and every SINGLE day after that, the bird would be flying beak first into the window. All summer long, every morning, dinnertime, all through Christmas, snowstorms, heavy rains, below freezing temperatures. Nothing was stopping this bird from flying into our kitchen window again, and again, and again. After a couple months it became a part of our everyday life. My mother would be sitting quietly at the kitchen table, drinking her cup of coffee, and guess who would be flying into the window? That goofy bird. After it flew beak first, it would stumble back and sort of sit on the ledge and flat out stare at my mother. Seriously, I am not lying. The bird would stare and it was super creepy. Then it would back up in the air a little and fly into the window again. It is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen, and to make matters worse, nobody will/would believe us unless they saw this go on for themselves. I mean, honestly, don't birds die when they fly into windows and stuff? I thought most even flew south for the winter! xD Recently we have been trying to figure out what this bird wants. It's loud when it constantly flies into our large window. I am worried the window is going to crack from it all, and then the bird is going to come inside and attack us all! Haha.. My mom is scared and thinks it's some reincarnated bat that was this one that tortured her and I one summer night two years ago. Haha..I don't know but I mean, it's weird, weird, weird! And oh, the way it sits on the ledge and stares at you as you eat your meals. Every so often it will fly off into the pine tree in front of the window, but when you least expect it, it will ram itself into the glass. We even went as far as to put one of my life-sized dolls into the window thinking maybe it would scare it off, but that didn't seem to work. One whole year of this, the bird is still alive, our window is intact, yet there it continues to clunk into our window. Oh, and did I mention just a few months ago it started to attack our other windows about the house as well? Ah, yes! Just you sit and listen. It seemed that when nobody was in the kitchen, the bird could be found flipping into the living room windows, bathroom, and then the sunroom arched window. My goodness, it went around the entire house. It is so strange! o.O I remember the first time we found it hitting the sunroom windows, it sounded like someone was at the door tapping to come in. That's exactly what it sounds like, as if someone is tapping to come in. I am getting scared talking about it..ah save me from this birdie bird. haha -meeps- My mother is rather annoyed with it. One year, like come on that's nuts! :P Well, at the moment I assume it is in the pine tree because I don't hear or see it right about now. It may even have gone to sleep, but not to worry, when the sun comes up tomorrow and we come down to eat breakfast red beaked beastly will be rap-a-tat-tatting. x)

At school this week everybody was testing. My grade was taking the Terra Novas (some name of the tests), and they aren't incredibly difficult or anything, but we did tend to have a lot of free time afterwards. It was fun. I actually liked taking those tests, and didn't want them to end yet. Taking them meant not having my 1-4th period classes. Due to that, I had little if any homework after school and was able to go on Runescape a lot, as well as last night and today since I had no Drama. =) I have been trying to raise my RuneCrafting level to 30. I think it is lvl 25 now, and it does seem to be a longer process, no wonder it's not too popular (reason I want to like it even more :P) Two people with combat lvls in the 80s were runecrafting at the same time as me and had runecrafting lvls under guy's was 13. I felt pretty good mine was higher, hehe. All the while I spent some time aquainting with new people in the Runescape world. I have tried to make it a point to be more sociable and engage in farther conversation with people who take an interest in being my friend. In other words, I am giving people more of a chance opposed to me not keeping any names on my friend list for long. For now it seems to be going along smoothly. One guy seems nice and we spent some time talking about music and other problems. It was nice to add a friend that didn't immediatly say something gross or "ask me out." That's what I am looking for, just some "plain" people who are playing it to play, not to date, and will talk casually with me so I can try making a new friend or two (-cough-&spread forum/blog word) ;P I also spent some time helping a girl learn how to smelt her ores and then she really wanted a bronze skirt and chest part, and since she couldn't smelt them yet I took the bars and made it for her, but had her make what she could. My brother keeps having me do random tasks for his 'clan' as well. He made me treasurer of the entire thing ever since I reached 31 prayer (woot woot). The other day I made a bunch of yellow dye and tried selling yew logs.

I suppose this concludes my blog, and for my daily blog special I want to type up and share this poem my friend Abby wrote for me when she was bored after the Terra Novas in her testing room. I think it's funny&cute, but some may not understand our personalities. ;)

Radically Random...

"A poem for Cait that she should keep long time"
Bayabaya =)

Cat, oh cat, I haven't seen you all day
because of this, my heart has split two wayz
while you were in Bachak's room,
I was doomed.
I hope you did wonderful on your Terra Nova
into my thoughts you swiftly dova.
Seperated were we
we became backwards, 2 pods in a pea
but into my thoughts you wildly danced,
for far away from me, you quickly pranced.
The only thing still keeping me going
is the thought of your hair briefly flowing
your dominance distracted me from my test
but cat, oh cat, you remain the best

Aw..I guess I was missed huh? lawlz(= <3

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