Friday, March 23, 2007

They Have Returned

What is this unknown 'they' that has returned to Buddy Foote's Blog v.2? It's the "Crossword of the Day"! This blog special had its own debut back in the summer of 2006 and then quickly died away after about two crossword puzzles that I have made. Of course, the majority of the topics covered in my previous crossword puzzles were Runescape and at the time, many people wanted to play Runescape rather than do a crossword puzzle on it. On the rebirth of the blog special, the puzzles will not be Runescape-only and will cover a variety of topics. These topics will challenge your logic, but will also allow you to do one thing: the ability to look up your answers. The 'solve' button is the cheap way to obtain an answer and will quickly dissolve the fun factor of the blog special. Therefore, jump onto Wikipedia or a variety of other sources to find your answers if you do not know them. Some questions are very straightforward whereas others may be confusing and contain some information that you do not know. This is where the amazing power of the search engine comes into play.

The crossword puzzle that I have created for today is titled "The Great Wiki Search #1". This puzzle, just by the title of it, will inform you that the source of Wikipedia will greatly help you with finding the answers for the questions. The puzzle contains thirty questions that you must answer. If you're up for a challenge to test your research skills and your brain, then scroll down to "~Crossword of the Day~" located below in this blog entry.

In other news...

Either tonight or tomorrow, Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 is going to host a new blog writer. I'm going to keep the identity of this new blog writer secret so that it can be a surprise. But let me tell you, I'm happy to have this new blog writer on the team. This blog writer is unique and his style of writing is spellbinding and can attract anybody. I welcome you to the blog whenever you arrive.

Forget that break from Runescape I was talking about. I came home today, not wanting to play it, but then after four o' clock I found myself upstairs on my laptop with the Runescape login screen in front of me. My vacations from Runescape aren't too long. After a few hours of playing, I gained two firemaking levels and I'm now 78 firemaking. I may go back on after writing this to go on a reporting spree -- my hobby in Runescape.

#Foote_Chat is back online, but mainly for the purpose of Chase's Squad 4 clan. Until a renaissance of the forum occurs, BFBv.2 will no longer link with it.

And now for your 'blog specials'. Note that I took the "daily" out of "daily blog special". Why? They weren't exactly daily and the title was misleading. I don't think saying "...of the Day" is misleading though, as it is the blog special of the day.

~Crossword of the Day~

The Great Wiki Search #1

"Comment That Keyword!"

"where to find dragon wood chopping axe on runescape"

Well, the only two main sources that you can find a dragon [woodcutting] axe are from those big nasty level 303 dagannoths known as Dagannoth Rex and Dagannoth Prime (I think there's a third, but don't quote me on that) and from buying the axe from another player. If you really want a safe and cheap way to get the axe, then find some stupid autoer that happens to have the axe, wait until their axe head falls off, wait a minute until the axe head becomes visible to you, pick up the axe head, and then lead the autoer to a dangerous spot by dropping a trail of yew logs, wait until the autoer dies and then grab the axe handle from the pile. Congratulations, you just got a free dragon woodcutting axe. The only problem is that you'll never find an autoer with a dragon hatchet.

Have a good one.

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