Monday, December 11, 2006

Foote Radio

Right now I'm sitting around during a nice and calm Monday evening while streaming music from iTunes by wireless means from my desktop downstairs to my laptop upstairs, then I have my microphone set up and the talk on Google Talk going so that Caitlin can listen to what I like to call "The Bear Radio", but for the sake of the blog title, I used Foote Radio. I just imitate the voice of my biology teacher (which he has a very cool accent of sorts) and play some tunes. We call him "The Bear" due to the closeness of his last name to bear, and well, the other reasons I actually do not really know. Anyhow, I feel like posting more to keep the blog updated more often as I realized that the majority of blogs that do well on the internet at least update more. Funny, BFBv.2 has four blog members and only two of them (Caitlin and I) were seen in the last month. But don't worry, Chase has actually a lot of blogs written down on paper and Jen, well, her internet is down. I'm doing my job here and keeping the place up-to-date, which I haven't been doing too much lately.

At school today we got a new cultures teacher. Since our cultures teacher retired at the beginning of the school year (pretty weird, eh?) we went through two others who kept on switching on and off. We had (I'm using real names) Shaka since Morcom retired, and then we had Rosenkran for only a week in October -- the week before Columbus Day. I only remember that week because I was absent that Friday and still as of that day never got an excuse card. Maybe because Rosenkran is now our permanent teacher maybe I'll be able to get the slip from him, but now that I was absent last Thursday and Friday when it was Shaka's last days, how in God's name will he know to give me an excuse card? Me telling him? Like that will ever happen... no, I'll eventually inform him of all three days. I'm sort of against the choice that Rosenkran was given the full-time job as Shaka deserves it. He put work in for more than two months creating lesson plans, tests, quizzes, homework assignments, and having to haggle with the grade book for another fellow teacher to take his position. Not a smart choice at all. Shaka was the man, and in memory of him I created a Mii of him on my Wii.

Speaking of the Wii, I will hopefully get pictures and videos of it in action created by me eventually but don't hold your breathe on it. I'm not a person who can do a lot. I go to school, and then it's time for bed. That's how I am, that kind of person. Lazy? I think so. Unless if there's no homework or tests (rare event) then I just hop on the computer and plant myself there until ten to eleven at night.

I feel bad. I was supposed to go hunting last Saturday but I didn't feel good enough to walk around in the woods and even to shoot a gun, so I stayed home. I thought that this coming Saturday was the last day of hunting for deer, was last Saturday, which I found out Saturday night. I feel bad because I let my father down this year with no deer yield. I also feel bad because my deer streak is destroyed, and I have to begin a new reign in the woods next year.

I'm out! Have a good one.

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