Tuesday, December 26, 2006

X-Mas 2006

well another Christmas was here and gone. I have not decided yet if I am happy or sad about this. I love Christmas...... I do not love this holiday because of the gifts that you get, I love it for family and friends and especially my grandparents Christmas Eve Tradition. Since I was probably 2 years old my grandparents (my dad's parents) have been having Christmas Eve dinner at their house. When my cousins and I were all younger the house used to be a disaster with all the wrapping paper that we previously tore off all the gifts. The past few years have been different since we are all grown up and either living on our own or in college. My older brother (Pete) has 2 kids of his own , so now they are the ones that receive all the gifts. The thing that I found humorous about this year is that all of my cousins are all old enough to drink, well all of them except for my cousin's Robert (who will turn 21 in Feb) and my cousin Anne (who is only 19), but we all sat in the kitchen at the kiddie table. We have sat at this table through all the years, when we were all younger my aunt used to buy us Welch's grape juice that we used to pretend was wine, but this year it seemed that we all had a good time at the kiddie table , maybe too much of a good time. On Christmas Day Bobby and I woke up at 7:30 and opened the gifts that we bought for each other. Then I called my mother's house and my step father answered the phone and said that everyone was still asleep. Bobby and I got dressed and headed up to Jermyn, I thought that it came my time in life to wake my younger brother Stephen up for Christmas morning. When he was younger and still believed in Santa and all that fun stuff he used to come running into my room around 6 in the morning yelling "Sissy, Santa came". I always tell him that payback is a bitch :) anyway, I think that Christmas this year was alot o fun, but I still think that it's definitely for kids......Just thought that I would post a quick blog about my holiday since I have been absent from this thing for a while now..... Hope that everyone had a great holiday as well!

364 days until Christmas!

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