Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goodbye 2006

Goodbye 2006. I can't believe another year has come and gone. I am surprised how much has changed since last New Year's Eve. I distinctly remember writing at my first blogger page around this time, and I had this long post. There after I wrote about the Super Bowl which was all last January. Now look at me, back then I was just a teeny bopper who became addicted to reading her friend Buddy Foote's big ol' long blog entries. Never did I think by the following New Year I'd be writing there myself. Hehe I just love thinking about how that happened, it's so cool. =) Anyways I am going to try to revovle this entry around the events of 2006 that made it different than any other year. A time for me to simply reflect over things. I have a whole hour to spend on this entry before I must go shower and get dressed up for the New Year's Party I am going to over my friend Abby's house.(:

I think the thing I will remember most about 2006 is the number of "firsts" that occured in my life. I could probably go on and on, but let me just name a select few. One thing stands out in my mind most, and I know to some it may seem silly that I still talk about it as often as I do, but being asked and going to the semi at my school this year meant a lot to me. I never thought that would happen to me, and it caught me by surprise. I always figured I would just end up going to like my school's senior prom, with friends if I had to, because that's just one of those events you only get one chance for. The semi was so much fun and I got to go with the person I would have wanted to go with most out of any others, I felt soo lucky. I don't think I am ever going to forget that night..Now I am pretty embarrassed because he most likely will read this but it's the truth, and the biggest first I had to admit...(:

Some other firsts I suppose could be getting my very own computer, driving for my first time, starting to play Runescape(hehehe), getting invovled in an extracurricular activity at school again (I hadn't been invovled in anything since Softball in 6th grade), volunteering, and more personal things. It is pretty cool to look back like that. I think I became a lot more independent this year. My friends have even commented that I have changed a lot since a year or two ago and they like it a lot. It's cool that they notice things like that, but to be honest I think they are right, I have changed but I think and hope it's in a good way ^.^

I am looking forward to 2007 though. I will be turning a big 16 years old in 10 days. I haven't decided whether I want to get my permit this year or not. I am pretty sure I have my parent's permission, my father even urges it. I just don't know if I am ready. I may go for my permit sometime in the spring or summer just to see if I can pass it and then I can just have that done and practice driving like I have been until I want to go any farther than that. Things can change so much in a short period of time it blows my mind sometime. We'll just have to wait and see what this year brings, right?(:

To keep with the swing of things on this blog where Runescape is spoken of quite frequently, I will let you all know that I have bee playing very often this past week of being off from school. I sort of got addicted to it the past two nights :P I was able to raise my combat level and mining level to 40! I am so proud of that accomplishment, tehe. Now just to smelt my 298 iron ores to raise my rather low smithing level, then I'd be a happy camper. I had been battling Skeletons in this sewer/manhole behind Varrock for a time. After growing bored from that, I simply needed a break. I went on a mission to see how far I could get in the Security Stronghold since if you get to the last level of it, you win the grand prize of choosing Rainbow Boots that I have been eyeing for a while now. I started out steady in there, and started to follow this one girl who's combat level was on 8, so I figured she is much lower than I am, if she can make it through this so can I. (I had this fear I was going to be killed, since I was told it is very possible for me to be attacked down there as I got closer.) I continued on my way and picked the gates that girl chose, and she seemed to really know what she was doing because she always ended up choosing the right gate that got us to the ladder quickest. She didn't know I was following her lead of choosing gates, and we didn't speak, I just kept an eye on which way she chose and it turned out to be the safest and quickest ways. Once I got to the final level of that place I lost sight of that girl, and ended up on my own where I went the long way and had to turn around and go back through to find the other gate. There were things in there that attacked be automatically but I was able to outrun them, and thankfully other strong people were in there battling them which kept those ghosts and such occupied to let me scurry to the other side. It wasn't as difficult as I had thought, and boy I felt like jumping up and down when I opened the final chest and put my spiffy rainbow-colored boots on for the first time. :D I also collected 11,000 some gp on my way up there from previous chest (;

I suppose that about wraps up my last entry for 2006. Now I tried to get together a nice daily blog special for today, and found a one liner toast kind of thing I liked and had to end with something related to the New Year. (: Before I officially sign off though, yep, sign off, I want to send my best wishes to everybody out there for the New Year!=]

Radically Random...

"Here's to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold."

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