Sunday, December 24, 2006

Is It Christmas?

Ever since the week or two before Thanksgiving I remember seeing the first Christmas decorations put up, and then everybody else followed. Around the time that Thanksgiving came about almost everybody besides a select few houses or certain parts of town had lights and decorations on their houses, trees put up, and even the town had the decorations put up on the telephone poles. My house didn't even consider having decorations put up until two weeks or so before Christmas. But being that the spirit of Christmas seemed to come so early, it's just a habit to me now to turn the radio on and hear Christmas tunes or to go outside at night and see the house behind ours lit up with their multicolored lights. It's such a custom that Christmas seemed to sneak up on me this year to the point that I hardly care about it -- actually I only care about it as the fact that it's the birthday of Jesus. And to make matters worse, it's not a white Christmas, but a green and brown one. Maybe I'd feel a bit more joyful if two feet of snow just plopped out of the heavens on my town, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. The forecast calls for some small snow showers tomorrow night, but isn't that a tad too late to wake up on Christmas morning to see the small, white flakes fall from the sky right in time to open your presents? Heck, I don't even care about the presents. I'm old enough to know that the olden years of Christmas will never come back, with the good beliefs that made me want to wake up on Christmas mornings, and the yearning to know what secrets are hiding under the wrapping paper. This year it was a matter of my father asking me what I wanted and me replying with an answer of, "an 80 GB iPod." Where's the secret there? I know what I'm getting, and because it costs so much, that's the only thing that I am getting. And I don't even like the getting -- this year I'd rather give. But am I employed everywhere and have the money to buy gifts? No. My parents have to go out and buy gifts for each other or other family members and put on the tag that it's from me. I have no spirit whatsoever this year. I think last year was my last best Christmas.

My father was nagging at me to help everybody today, but without the spirit and without any snow (weather can make a world of difference with me), I just did not have any motivation to do so, and instead I just wandered around like a zombie being the Grinch. I was in such a bad mood that I did this to some poor crackers just to waste time:

At least I had the Nintendo Wii to help save my mood a bit from going into a bottomless pit. After winning two baseball games and a tennis match on Wii Sports, I slipped Zelda in and played that for a few hours. My mother, grandmother, and father even came into the living room and watched me play it for a while, as I completed the first temple and wandered into the next providence in the twilight realm. My grandmother was actually pretty into it, and would comment every time a giant spider popped up and also said that it reminded her of The Lord of the Rings. I thought that she would sit down for a second, watch it, and go do something, but she didn't feel too well today, so I think her sickness sort of forced her to watch me. While wondering around the twilight realm as the wolf, my grandmother commented asking if the game I was playing was a different game, such as in the fact that Wii Sports consists of different games. I replied that it wasn't, and that the game I was playing was just one huge game. After I finished playing for the day, I asked her what she thought of Zelda, and she replied, "It was different."

In other news...

If you have a laptop, do not put it on a soft surface such as a bed, couch, etc. as it has a risk of overheating, catching on fire, or can reduce the battery life of your laptop. If you must have the laptop on a soft surface, then find a board, plank, etc. to put your laptop on. Thankfully the door on my desk has been off for years, so I just took a few screws out and then I had a board to put my laptop on whenever I'm on my bed. It was a common sense solution that I came up with myself.

Now for your pre-Christmas daily blog specials:

"Comment Those Keywords!"

"peoples runescape usernames, passwords and recovery questions that were posted today"

This is a very stupid keyword. I bet that there's a website out there with a gigantic list of every single Runescape account, its password, and recovery questions. Now, it goes even more into the realm of stupid when it says "recovery questions". Relate to my rant on specific keywords that I had in my post yesterday. In a keyword like this, wouldn't it be better to say "recovery question answers"? Just getting the questions wouldn't do you any good, but the answers would. But even just by adding a more detailed word to that keyword will not help you at all. Just please stop trying to hack others accounts and maybe be productive and pick some flax or cut some trees in the game, sell them, and you'll be amazed in a matter of time that you can be rich and have high levels like the accounts that you're dying to hack in Runescape. Or in other words, get a real life or a Runescape life -- not a life of greediness and the destruction of others self esteem and hard work.

"where's the watchtower on runescape?"

It's by Yanille. I think to the north of it. If you want the exact location though as I'm of very little help to you, then pull up the world map on Runescape.

Pictures of the Day

A large collection of a variety of pictures that I took today all thrown together into a pile that's a mess bigger than the mess on Times Square after the ball has dropped on New Years. Enjoy:

Also before I go, I just want to mention that Opera on the Wii doesn't seem to be working for me anymore. The browser loads, but the loading of a web page is a different story. I'll keep on trying though.

Have a good one and Merry Christmas! I hope Santa brings you a lot of gifts this year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice blog, great writing.