Friday, December 01, 2006

Big News

Woah woah woaahh =) When you think about high school, I am sure you will remember having crushes on that special person you either admired from far away or maybe you were friends with someone for some time before you realized you liked them a lot more than you thought.. I know this has got to be true for every single person. Well, the reason I am writing a blog about this is because something huge is happening and very well may happen to one of my friends, and at the current moment, another friend is even talking to me while asking how she should tell that one crush she likes him. I find it all so cute, fun, and exciting! I love helping my friends out, and being there for them to over analyze all those little details ;)

Before I go on to just ramble on about my friend's little story, I think you should know that most of my friends and me included probably act differently than anyone else would about things that happen to us. I mean, not in a bad way, but I'll refer to it as taking it as a bigger serious deal than most. Some girls may have gone through boyfriend after boyfriend, and getting a phone call from the person you like could barely mean half as much as my friends and I would take such an event. It's those little things that could make our day shine. :]

Now, my friend, met a boy whom she grew to be good friends with in the previous year or so. Let me tell you, she did not like him then at all. I'll get to the point though, by saying as this year started she couldn't force herself to stop feeling she may actually like this boy more than a friend. It was a complicated situation, but this past week has been huge. Each day she comes into school blushing like a maniac because of the adorable things he says to her on the computer. They even started to chat on the phone. My friend couldn't believe it, and I couldn't either. It was so nice, and she can't get over it. Just last night he started hinting, and basically was curious in who it was she liked. My friend, being a massive nervous walking wreck remained dead silent on the other end. So much so, he thought she hung up! Then he said he had to go and for her to call him and please answer his question. I was just on the phone with her, and all we could do was scream and say "oh my gosh!!" repeatedly. It's SO exciting. I am very happy for her. She has waited such a long time for a moment like that to come for her. We all have.

..I don't know if anyone out there can relate to my friends or myself, but just the thought of having that boy we liked a lot for so long even hint at returning those feelings is overwhelming. This is happening to one of my good friends, and it's just huge news. =)

I hope saying all that doesn't make me or my friends come across as strange. It's just fact, and well, maybe we like being a little different. :P Wow, now for a quick update! My other friend just admitted she liked her crush to the boy himself, and he admitted he had a secret too, he liked her too. =) Now if that's not cute, I don't know what is.

As far as myself goes, I don't know what it's like to have that happen, but I am sure it is one of the greatest feelings =) To me, it seems unfathomable. Liking that special someone for awhile and then finding they felt the same way. I can't even begin to describe how I'd feel... Although I doubt anything like that to ever happen to me, at least not anytime soon. I guess I am alright with that though. I mean, when you think about, or at least when I do, I feel that things will happen if they are meant to, and "good things come to those who wait." So..who knows? Maybe I'll get a chance to experience something like that one day too..
Of course, to keep with the whole theme of such an entry about those "crushes", I have a small collection of some icons & quotes about that sort of thing, and will share some with you below^^

Radically Random...


and lately she'd say anything to make
him turn his head.. anything to make him
laugh && just s t a r e at her

When you can't stop smiling after you
talk to him && you still get butterflies in your stomach,
&& that huge smile across your face every time
you see him, that lets you know that he will
always mean something to you.

one day you look at a person and see
more than you did the dAy before'
like a switch was flicked sOmewhere
& thAt person who was just a friend'
is suddenly the oNly person you
can [ i m a g i n e ] yoUrself with`'

Your eyes send shivers down my spine
As our eyes meet for a glance yet again
What do these glances mean?
Do you like me?
Oh Wow, I hope you do.
But if you do, why don’t you tell me?
And if I like you, why don’t I tell you?
Fear of rejection, I suppose.
But don’t you know that your glances
Are the things that I wait for each day?
Every minute ticks by and I don’t think
I can possibly stand one more minute
Without a glance from you.

I get the best feeling in the world when you say hi or smile at me, because I know that even for a second that I've crossed your mind.


It's been about 15 minutes since I ended the last sentence (which was supposed to be the end of this entry and I was going to get ready to post it) yet there was a major interruption in my household. I was continuing a conversation with my one friend on the computer when the telephone rang. I picked it, and an unknown male's voice asked to speak to my parents. I figured it was one of those telemarketers calling again from last night. I showed my disappointment in it not being a friend of mine by handing the phone over and saying "um there's some guy one the phone so here." Now wait. I can't believe this, and how ironic is the title of this very blog entry, "Big News" oh and boy does that take on a completely new meaning as I tie this blog entry together this Friday night! ..I just got word that I won first place in this Veteran's Of Foreign War - Freedom's Challenge Essay - that we had to enter at school in our English class. They would like a picture of myself brought to the VFW by next Friday, and the information for how many people will be attending the Award's banquet on January 7th of which I am cordially invited to attend. My dad was the speaker on the phone, and as he jotted down this information he started pointing to me as I sat and pondered what could have happened?! Once he got off the phone he explained to me what a big essay contest I had just won. =) He was almost in tears or something, and I am pretty excited's cool! I kept saying to him that there is NO way, I absolutely do not believe this is happening to me. I mean, it's impossible, are you sure I won?! To this minute I don't believe him, I mean, he HAD to be kidding right?! This could be huge in a way, or I don't even know what to think. Sure I was flattered by the attention I received for my essay by my English teacher, but thisss! I don't know what to think yet...but isn't it exciting anyways?! =) =) =) =) I will make sure I continue to mention this to see what comes of it.

I know this is a long entry, but I had so much to say and not enough words! =P A school day that started out stressful and packed with tests turned out to be quite a night! =) How I love writing at this blog!:]

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