Sunday, September 18, 2005

Amazing End to a Week

I haven't been on this weekend because I was extremely busy. How so? Friday I went to a football game with Corey and Kyle, just like I do every Friday night. The game was at Lackawanna Trail. We had to stand and watch the game because the bletchers were packed and I can't stay still, so I'm bouncing around, walking, running, punching Kyle, et cetra. During the third quarter (I believe), I was walking with Joey to talk and get a drink when he led me to this group of men and women I never saw before. This one girl asked me if I was ever hugged before and Joey said, "He has an opobeia for it" or something similar, so she came over and hugged me twice. I left then. Why? Because I'm a fool.... Anyway Lakeland won, 35-13, but that wasn't the important part.

Then Saturday morning, I woke up at seven to go to a shooting competition on the Archbald Mountain. It went swell. I was in the second round of telescope shooting. I got a total of 146 points, putting me into sixth place in my age group (of 14-15) out of fourty-five people. I was happy with my score. The only person I knew there was a friend from my class, Justin. He received 121 in telescope and around 166 in iron sight. I did pretty darn good sitting down and shooting but standing up, forget about it. I got five shots in the white which screwed me over big time.

Then right after that, I had my nephew's birthday party.

Today I woke up at seven again to go to a work party at my hunting cabin. I hope I'm a member there someday. We were collecting wood that was chopped yesterday. I tried pushing the wheelbarrow up and down the rough terrian to the back of the woods where the chopped wood was, but after losing my load twice, I gave up. So my father assigned me to helping him chop the wood in half and then stacking it.

A pretty busy weekend. I fell asleep in the truck on the way home from Stevens Point. You have to remember the landmarks: Whites Crossing (I believe that's the town), Simpson, Forest City, Thompson, Arath, Starrucca, and Stevens Point.

Another week a school awaits which sucks. Three days of pre chemistry. Sheesh. We'll probably be doing a lab Monday which sucks because the labs are hard and confusing. The books lists the subject as being fun, espically the labs and experiements. Are we having fun? No. The mystery goop (our first lab) was fun but even that simple thing was still confusing.

I almost forgot. I was working on this Friday before I went to the game. Buddy Foote's Media. now lets you have your own account and web space with media page. If you want to listen to my favorite songs currently, go there. I update it once a week with three songs or pretty much whenever I want to. It takes a while for the songs to upload, otherwise I'd have every single one of my MP3's on there. They'd have to shut down their servers because of me.

I need to go now. Trying to decide whether to do my pre chem homework or not (it's due Wednesday.) I really don't feel like doing anything right now. Relaxe and go to bed early because I cannot currently keep my eyes open. My whole school is getting sick so I don't wish to too (although I did catch a cold two weeks ago right before Labor Day). Also I hope I get a new digital camera soon. I was going to take a picture of a bottle of Crystal Club Orange Soda and the batteries on my camera were dead. So I figured I'll just wait to get a new one. C'mon, if the camera does't have recharable batteries, it's cheap and old. It has about 2.5 megapixels too. Yes. Please do start sending your sympothy letters to me. Cell phones take better pictures than it does.

Over and out for now.

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