Monday, September 05, 2005

Sick Since May

I was sick mentally since May, but I wasn't sick physically until now. Yesterday I had a sore throat for a good portion of the day and today I was dizzy, tired, and gloggy with a runny nose. So what do I do. Around five in the afternoon, I go for a bike ride to Mayfield and back in ten minutes. That brought the sore throat back. I mean, I was shoving unknown pills down my throat. Although I'm feeling better now and ready for school tomorrow although I don't want to go back. Spanish quiz tomorrow and I hardly studied...

DrakeGTA made a pretty interesting game. If you switched from Internet Explorer to Firefox a long time ago, this'll bring back memories. I literally want to shoot myself for not switching to Firefox sooner than I did (thanks to Chris). No pop-ups; no worries. Now that Drake found Game Maker, we're going to have some pretty interesting projects coming up soon. I know one but it's better to keep it a secret until farther due.

I'm trying to come up with extras for my blog so I thought, "Why not facts about myself." Sure it would be boring just putting a lot of statements onto a web site so I wanted to use a Javascript code so that every time you refresh the page, a new fact would pop up. It didn't, however, work out. Nothing comes up. The page is here. If you can help me, please comment and tell me what I did wrong.

I also always kick myself for not giving you a link to the Play-Yan Petition. Sign today! More information provided there but I'm feeling nice so I'll tell you why you're signing something that may be foreign to you, come to your house, and devour your hundred dollar shoes and dog. The Play-Yan is a device for your Game Boy Advance SP, Game Boy Micro, and Nintendo DS that can play MP3's and avi's. Avi's being videos. This happens through a SD card that you put into the computer, upload your media, and then insert the SD card into the Game Boy Advance cardiage known as the Play-Yan itself. Also the Play-Yan has mini-games you can play on it while listening to your music. Image this with the Game Boy Micro; cheaper and smaller than an iPod. This is a gold mie for Nintendo and it's only out in Japan. This petition states we want this all over the globe. Like I said, sign today!

I'm tired and this watermeleon-flavored bubble gum is giving me a headache so night.

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