Friday, September 30, 2005

A Big Loss

Lakeland really lost tonight to Abington Heights. The final score was 6-44. We did horrible. I'm surprised we actually got a touchdown at all. We had so many gaps in our defensive line and we fumbled the ball about six or seven times in the first four minutes. I lost interest in the game as soon as they got 0-24 right at the beginning of the second quarter. When it was half-time, I just walked around until pretty much the game was over. I only used to do that two years ago when I didn't understand how the game of football was played although of course, now I do. I acted a little weird at the game though. I couldn't run in the shoes I were wearing so I had to skip in some situations. So once, Ed saw Craig and me skipping behind the bletchers and he yelled at us, so I gave him the finger and he came after us. It was an interesting night.

I didn't play Runescape in about a month and when Mike was telling me about his full membership to the game just now, I felt like playing. Then I realized why I quit in the first place after playing for twenty minutes. I really hate it when I'm mining iron with my cheap pick ax and somebody comes up with a rune pick ax and with one blow grabs what should've been my booty. Now I didn't even want the iron. I want the exp the iron offers because I want to get in that Mining Guild. I even told everybody I'm dropping iron. But no, they kept on going. You don't see me going and stealing somebody's ore. Probably because I'd know they'd beat me because of my piece of crap pick ax, but oh well.

I'm just so happy it's finally the end of the week. Time is going by so fast. We're already halfway done with the high school football sesson, with five games gone. It's already the half of the first grading quarter of school because teachers are all handing out progress reports. Although I'm really mad at Spanish. Why? I can't do that thing with my tongue when you trail a word. Say there's a word with "rr" in it, you have to do that "purring" noise. I was being made fun of by my mother the other day because I couldn't do it. Damn it! I'm mad now...

I'm going to go finish up reading stuff or at least finding stuff to read, then I'm going to bed and sleeping in. I'm trying to get the courage to go to confession tomorrow at four but I have nobody to go with. I hate going to church by myself.


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