Thursday, September 29, 2005

Another Animal Gone

This time being my male parakeet. Why?

I came home not even noticing the difference in the bird cage but after I got changed and sat down on the computer, my mother stated she had bad news to tell me. I thought, "Shit, another leopard gecko died." Well, she said that Crackers (the male parakeet) she let loose because he attacked Hoagie (my female parakeet) causing her to bleed badly and even said her beak was hanging off. Now when I saw Hoagie, her beak wasn't hanging off in my mind, but you could see the deep wounds her attackers caused her. My mother put alcahol on the wounds (my sister, who works at PetCo told her to) but hopefully she'll be okay. She laid two eggs just yesterday or the day before too although she never sits on them.

Ever since we got Crackers, I didn't like him. My mother wanted another one. Well, my mother wanted another dog and want turned out was that she's nothing like our old one, Bubbles, and the dog turned out killing my leopard gecko Monday by knocking the cage down. Now the other pet, Crackers, that she once wanted almost killed our original parakeet, Hoagie. See, the whole story behind it was that my mother thought Hoagie was lonely in the cage. So we bought it a fake bird that stands up. Heck, Hoagie made out pratically with that thing. But it got old and we threw it out. Hoagie was now depressed and lonely again. So my mother wanted a real bird this time. Hoagie became mean, wounded, and was abused a lot because of that darn yellow parakeet, Crackers!

So in the outcome, it's pretty good he's gone now.

My mother said, quote "I'm slowly getting rid of the animals one at a time."

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