Monday, September 12, 2005

Two New Leos

Like I said in yesterday's entry, I might be getting two new leopard geckos that my sister boughts for one dollar with everything for them. First of all, you're asking me right now, "How did she get two eighty dollar leopard geckos (each) and more than a hundred dollar of supplies for one dollar?" One puny little dollar. Well, this one guy brought in the two healthy leos (they're adults by the way and by checking them, they're females) to the Pet-Co store and she's the reptile specialist there. They had the lizards for two years but the boy who was supposly the owner of the animals stopped caring for them so he returned them. Still, even I'm confused on how she got them for a dollar. I mean, why even a dollar? A dollar will get you a meal on the dollar menu at McDonalds. Why not just for free? Showed how much he wanted to get rid of them.

Anyway, they're in my living room right now. One's my sister's and one's mine. However bing that they were together for two years, she's not going to seperate them plus our grandmother wouldn't allow it (she lives with her). So they're staying with me. There's analbino one (that one's hers) and her name is Ecko. Or however you spell. Refer to that old Sega game with the dolphin. Mine is a darker color and looks very similar to a crocodile; her name is Roxie. I need to make room on my desk upstairs which I yet didn't do. Although now I have three leopard geckos; three females; two adults and one "baby". Might as well be a leo breeder next. I'll have my sister bring home that snake she wants tomorrow.

Do I live any links for you guys? Just this one fictional story. DrakeGTA read it and said it was good. I have a headache right now from being tired (I didn't even finish my homework but the ones I didn't isn't due until Wednesday) so I'm not going to read it. Although I take Drake's words as being held true.

If any of you seem to be wondering what's going on with Google Adsense, they sent me back replies to the e-mails I sent out about a week or two prior saying I'm suspended for good. I tried making a second account but that never went through and they just ignored or suspended it on the spot. The heck with them already. Thought I'd make revenue on my blog but now I'll just write for the reader.

Also we're trying to make a movie production on "The Secret of Olyphant". Wonder how that'll turn out.

Hasta luego! Adios! Hasta manana!

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