Friday, August 26, 2005

Bad School...Bad

Going to Valley View doesn't seem like a bad idea right now...

I went to Craig's this morning right on time, at quarter to twelve, and he was standing on his concrete porch waiting for me, waving widly in his red hoody. Enough details. Bottom line, this school year is going to be the worst ever.

I saw Craig's brother's school schedule and it was the longest and most confusing thing I ever laid eyes on. Well, maybe not as confusing as trying to learn php without even a basic understanding of HTML years ago. The seventh grade has thirteen classes with that "new class every thirty-six days" system the new principal has up his sleeve. That's confusing enough. Even worse, there's only an half hour lunch (which isn't even a full period which we know so far is fourty-five minutes long), one period gym (used to be two), and they're having an intro to Spanish class. In seventh grade too! Depending on what school you might've went to, that may not sound bad, but we were introduced to Spanish in 8th grade last year and have full classes this year. So that may screw us all up. Also lunch doesn't even count as a period and there's only eight periods this year besides the nine periods we had for the last two years. And we get out five minutes later!

And I also got a look at the student handbook. The rules are strict. Chewing gum can now get you a detetion. I don't remember some of the other things we read, but they were strict and harsh compared to the freedom we had other years. Hopefully our school may be more on track and this school year won't be bad. School is mostly for education, not chewing gum, gambling, and playing cards and paper football in study hall, although that'd be nice.

Tomorrow, we'll only have three more days of summer so sooner or later, I'll find out. School, however, will mean less time to write on my blog, but mostly more things to talk about. Like the fact I got my hair cut today; which sucks.

In other news, I signed up for a second Google Adsense account because they're ignoring every e-mail I send to them about my first one being suspended. I'm trying to work with them to explain it wasn't a robot but a friend who just kept on clicking the ads because he thought it'd be a surprise for me. I'm probably braking a policy by making a second account because my name and tax information will match but...oh well.

If you want more information about the "Secret of Olyphant", then check out this site. I looked at a Google Maps satellite image of Olyphant, PA and I believe to see a pyramid built in the lower right-hand corner of the landscape, but there is a landfill not too far away in Dunmore the shape of a pyramid so...


1 comment:

Publish A Book said...

This made me smile, great post!