Thursday, August 18, 2005

Now MP3's on Putfile.Com

This is wicked. First it's Blogger on MS Word yesterday and today I find out you can now upload MP3's to Plus also .wav files for everybody who loves to record their voice and wants everybody else to hear it. If your MP3 however goes above 10 MB, then you cannot upload it because that's the limit. But not too many songs on your computer reach must higher than 8 MB at that. I got just a little excited and already upload two MP3's which takes a while for me (trying to upload an Offspring song which isn't working out too well) so I might as well share them with you. These two songs are Tiny Voices by Boxcar Racer and Remedy by Seether. Go wild now and upload your MP3's.

Now I was talking to a friend of mine just an hour ago when I was just talking randomly like I always do, going all over the place in my discussion, when I started talking about a "bad" picture when she wanted to see it and I became a little uncomfortable that I even brought it up in the first place. I'm like that. Ask Mike. Anyway, I didn't show her the picture over time, but I'll show everybody here. Here you go. Now don't go calling me perveted, espically as perverted as Mike is because that's an insult taken deeply, because I just like the picture because the art work is well done, the shading is amazing, and the color of her hair is well done. The best I ever saw. Very clever concept. Yes, Mike. I hate you too. You and your dirty hand.

Hey look, Can't Repeat by The Offspring is done. You can't repeat your mistakes Dew. Yep, you made Mike leave and then me and that finished the SAPI. Umm...getting a little ahead of myself. See ya.


Buddy Foote said...

You were starring at that picture all night last night and you know it. You said you were in love with it.

Buddy Foote said...

No, I knew what you were doing when you weren't responding and "multitasking". Not that I want to know but...God, unhappy thoughts, unhappy thoughs...

Does this ring a bell?

LakelandHm: You find Dee1911 attractive!? Oh man!!
LakelandHm: *Dew
Th3D1sturb3dOne: i do
Th3D1sturb3dOne: lol
Th3D1sturb3dOne: Dew is sexy
Th3D1sturb3dOne: i am going to jump out of a window now

Buddy Foote said...

I think I know what you're thinking but I believe Lattitude had a wife or girlfriend at the most. I'm not exactly 100% sure but he just seems like the guy who has one.

Buddy Foote said...

I think I know what you're thinking but I believe Lattitude had a wife or girlfriend at the most. I'm not exactly 100% sure but he just seems like the guy who has one.

Now if Dew has a girlfriend, I'd be like this:

Hooker: Dew honey, I think I might want an ice cream cone.

Dew: Wait you! I need to connect this server together and write complicated HTML, XHTML, Javascript, CSS, and php codes on this website first which'll take about a day of my life away.

Hooker: Wanna have sex?

Dew: No. Didn't you just hear what I told you!

Hooker: We're over!

Dew: Whatever. Damn that's my money going out the door! Get back here! I want a refund!

Buddy Foote said...

We cannot let Dew get away with killing a hooker. He's just implanting the image that all politicans want parents and mothers of the PTA to think that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and any game filled with violence and gore brainwashes the mind of children. Yes, it may as my nephew as an example, but still, he's a grown man. It would be sad and pathetic then.

Neh, Dew will just pay her for some "Hot Coffee" and start talking all tech during intercourse.

Buddy Foote said...

Oh man. Exactly, perfect tech talk. But I'm talking more hardware like "I'd like to plug my USB into your 2.0 port". Or maybe some "let's make an internet connection together". Maybe some "open wide and get a surprise".

Yep, the last one had nothing to do with tech. I would image Dew let the hooker have an orgaisn and he'd have a microphone on at his computer and then import the .wav file to a San Andreas mod he's making as "Hot Coffee v.2"

Buddy Foote said...

Yea, it was fun. Damn was it fun. Okay, it was more than fun.

Yea, let's leave it at this. He'd never do the same to us.

Or would he?