Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Little Blog Notice

From now on in this blog, I shall not curse anymore. I am doing this out of curdosity for a friend who wishes to view my blog but is offended by the cussing. Also for anybody else who is offended by cussing I shall no longer curse. After being told that cursing is disgusting and wrong, I may find from now on not to even do it even more or as much as I did in any activity online or offline. I would go through the older posts of my blog to check and eleminate any cussing when I find the time, but then I would be bothered to fix bad grammer and spelling and sentence structure and missplaced words (otherwise known as typos which I do not like to say anymore after having my math teacher last year). I may though.

My older blog which I disdain greatly had not any curses on it and was pretty family friendly besides the post "Mother's Day" so maybe I should look into the future of this newer blog and see the same. I thought that with Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 that I might have a curse here or there but now I'm not going to have any. Also I'm getting even more complaints about how my newer blog is more organized and on-topic compared to my last blog in which I would ramble on about everything. Just to make everybody who was complaining about that happy, here goes:

"I got really ticked off today while playing Runescape just ten minutes ago when I was training at the monestery west of Edgesville killing monks when two players who were stronger than me came and demanded me to fight. They were there for about five minutes telling me to fight and calling me a "noob", but really when you think about it, only noobs call other noobs. I was only training and I don't even plan on entering the wildnerness (the pk [player killing] zone) until I'm at about level 80 or more. Sure I'll be killing monks for a while at that but it's better to be safe than sorry. I only have bronze armour and sword so my weapons would probably snap in half (not literally) to what they were weilding or what most are. I stare at players who are only at combat level 13 and they have a full suit of armour on and they have their iron longswords and capes. I wonder how the heck they got all of that so early. What secert am I missing out at? I need to check Rune HQ out later and see what's going on. My friend (*cough* Disturbed_08 *cough*) was only at level 39 when I joined the game but he was playing almost everyday for two years and was rich so I don't know. Why would you plan at staying at level 13 for two years? Although my friend, I believe, had high levels in his odd jobs like woodcutting, firemaking, crafting, mining, smithing, cooking, etc. I still hate how members get a lot more than f2p players (free to play)."

That was long but I didn't just want to leave a notice as a blog entry. I need to go so I'll blog later. Good day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enter the Wilderness at lvl 80 lol
If you stay in lvl 1 wildy only one lvl above you and one below can attack and for lvl 2, 2 lvls above you can attack... so on