Saturday, August 20, 2005

Conversation With Mike

The following is just a normal conversation between Mike and me. Just an extra read for the day. Enjoy. Warning: there’s curses to everybody out there who disdains them.

LakelandHm: I'll talk to you in a second
LakelandHm: Do you mind if one of the conversations we have, I post on my blog?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: lol
Th3D1sturb3dOne: is it demeaning me?
LakelandHm: One second. I'm eating a sandwich
LakelandHm: I am done
Th3D1sturb3dOne: wooters
LakelandHm: I made a truce with Dew
Th3D1sturb3dOne: sad
Th3D1sturb3dOne: are you stupid?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: lol
Th3D1sturb3dOne: i never hated dew lol
LakelandHm: Me either
LakelandHm: But dissing him was fun
LakelandHm: I know somewhere, he's pulling the dead skin off of my back
Th3D1sturb3dOne: mhmm
LakelandHm: It's all blood, sex, and booze, my friend
LakelandHm: I have to be off by eleven, otherwise I'll be mauled, scalped, and hung by close pins on a stell grid of enternal damnation while watching gay porn
Th3D1sturb3dOne: that would suck
Th3D1sturb3dOne: damn gay porn
LakelandHm: Yep
LakelandHm: I never even saw porn so I'd be worse
LakelandHm: I got punhed in the nuts six times today
LakelandHm: I'm in enternal pain
Th3D1sturb3dOne: yeap you are
Th3D1sturb3dOne: lol
LakelandHm: Think I lost a testicle
LakelandHm: Just like Tre Cool
LakelandHm: And I got a "purple nurple" about ten times
LakelandHm: That's what happens at birthday parties
Th3D1sturb3dOne: yeap
Th3D1sturb3dOne: i feel your pai
Th3D1sturb3dOne: n
Th3D1sturb3dOne: i think
LakelandHm: Yes
LakelandHm: You're laughing your ass off
LakelandHm: The tears hurt
LakelandHm: Are you multi-tasking again?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: yeap
LakelandHm: I knew it
LakelandHm: Your response times are horrible
Th3D1sturb3dOne: i know
LakelandHm: Now if I said I had the hottest picture of a woman in a little thong, you'd reply right away
Th3D1sturb3dOne: yes i would
LakelandHm: So...I have the hottest picture of a woman in a little thong
Th3D1sturb3dOne: wooter
Th3D1sturb3dOne: where
LakelandHm: are horrible. That's about ten seconds
LakelandHm: Anyway, it was all a test
LakelandHm: I experiment on my fellow peers a lot
Th3D1sturb3dOne: experiment starts with an e
LakelandHm: I know
LakelandHm: I spelt it with an "e"
LakelandHm: You're going all weird on me, aren't you?
LakelandHm: You're going to type "Raven is hot as Dew1911" three times right now, aren't you?
LakelandHm: Sicko
Th3D1sturb3dOne: i am goign to
LakelandHm: How could you compare her to "him"
Th3D1sturb3dOne: dew is hot
Th3D1sturb3dOne: lol
Th3D1sturb3dOne: even though we never saw him
LakelandHm: Great. You did it again.
Th3D1sturb3dOne: or know his age
Th3D1sturb3dOne: lol
LakelandHm: Drake said he's 23
LakelandHm: Not Drake but Dew
LakelandHm: I mean...
LakelandHm: Drake said Dew is 23
LakelandHm: I'm wearing a strip of paper towel as a hat
LakelandHm: fell off
LakelandHm: Damn
Th3D1sturb3dOne: yeap
LakelandHm: Anyway
LakelandHm: I believe I have made a perfect 3D model of Raven
LakelandHm: Raven Roth at that
Th3D1sturb3dOne: my nuts are itchy
Th3D1sturb3dOne: i mean
Th3D1sturb3dOne: cool
LakelandHm: Although it's currently implanted inside of my brain
Th3D1sturb3dOne: i see muffins from a distanve
LakelandHm: You and your dirty muffins
LakelandHm: What happrened if I were to tell you that I put muffins in a ditch and burnt them to hell?
LakelandHm: They were blueberry too
Th3D1sturb3dOne: Lt. Potato head ordered the troop to the left flank with the slubber
LakelandHm: Wow
LakelandHm: That was amazing
LakelandHm: Very original
LakelandHm: Innovative at the least
LakelandHm: That's the most you wrote the whole conversation
Th3D1sturb3dOne: Mars houses some of the rarest plants, including the one legged ant muncher
LakelandHm: I thought the moon featured the homogolblin?
LakelandHm: A green plant that devours microscopic particles of moon rock
Th3D1sturb3dOne: the testicles of a pluto land flubber are indeed square
LakelandHm: I do say that this is an interesting discovery nevertheless in the field of "Hard Boners and Inserting USB Cords"
LakelandHm: Don't you say so?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: I like my muffins doughy
LakelandHm: This is by far the gayest conversation we ever had
Th3D1sturb3dOne: yeap
LakelandHm: We should now talk about Runescape insteed
LakelandHm: Runescape is not, indeed, gay
LakelandHm: I am finished mining for now
LakelandHm: I have about 147 iron ores in my bank
LakelandHm: I checked the Rune HQ web site and they said it only fetches 50 gp on the streets
Th3D1sturb3dOne: go to
Th3D1sturb3dOne: thats the place to sell
LakelandHm: Yes but then you must organize meetings
LakelandHm: I'd rather do things the hard way
LakelandHm: 50 gp will be my lowest or maybe 60
LakelandHm: Does gold sell good?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: mhmm
Th3D1sturb3dOne: hard to mine though
LakelandHm: Yes
LakelandHm: It only comes back every two minutes say
LakelandHm: Coal everybody wants
LakelandHm: What can you do with coal?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: lol
Th3D1sturb3dOne: coal is the most needed
LakelandHm: Yes but why?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: you need it to make mith bars addy bars rune bars and steel bars
LakelandHm: I see why everybody wants it now
LakelandHm: What is an "addy" though
Th3D1sturb3dOne: the green armor
LakelandHm: Oh
LakelandHm: That one
LakelandHm: Adamithilth or something?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: yeap
LakelandHm: Can't spell
Th3D1sturb3dOne: its needed badly
Th3D1sturb3dOne: fetchs 175- 250
LakelandHm: Hear they're coming out with a new skill?
LakelandHm: Carpentry
LakelandHm: Probably for members
Th3D1sturb3dOne: buddy
LakelandHm: What now?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: did you forget that runescape is my life
LakelandHm: Yes, I mean no
Th3D1sturb3dOne: you hear about player owned houses
LakelandHm: Really now?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: players can buy their own houses
Th3D1sturb3dOne: members :-(
LakelandHm: Nevertheless, sweet
LakelandHm: But isn't that going to screw up the map?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: nope
Th3D1sturb3dOne: they may have it for only the player can see his house
LakelandHm: What's the purpose then?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: or they will have a big area for houses
Th3D1sturb3dOne: its undecided
LakelandHm: Wouldn't you want to invite friends over?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: coming out by dec
Th3D1sturb3dOne: we don't know much about it
LakelandHm: So can you make your own cooking ranges, do you think?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: mhmm
Th3D1sturb3dOne: furniture
Th3D1sturb3dOne: laying down and sitting soon probably
LakelandHm: Almost every house in Runescape has a cooking range
LakelandHm: Really?
LakelandHm: For energy boosting?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: hopefully
LakelandHm: YES
LakelandHm: Sorry
LakelandHm: With iron armor, my energy goes down like a land slide
LakelandHm: Hate to see what higher armor is like
Th3D1sturb3dOne: pfft..
LakelandHm: Is that why you don't wear any while doing a skill?
Th3D1sturb3dOne: rune is heavy as smell
Th3D1sturb3dOne: mhmm
LakelandHm: Smart unless you get attacked by a giant while mining
Th3D1sturb3dOne: nah
LakelandHm: I had to laugh when a rock exploded in a newbies face
Th3D1sturb3dOne: lol
Th3D1sturb3dOne: i love that
LakelandHm: I was going to warn them but then I was like, "Nah..."
LakelandHm: Everybody's always mining iron. It was busy today.
LakelandHm: I was mad because this level three had a mithril pick-ax
Th3D1sturb3dOne signed off at 10:48:55 PM.
LakelandHm: Darn you...

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