Saturday, August 06, 2005

Links Galore! #2

That is right ladies and gentlemen! Links Galore! #2 is up and running like a Game Boy Pocket that didn't see the light of day for years! Although this time around, I sort of cheated finding the links that you will be viewing today. I used StumbleUpon. I had StumbleUpon since April of this year on my Internet Explorer browser, but never used it since then. I almost banged my head off off my computer desk when I realized I still had it and could use it for this blog feature. I updated it a little bit, added a new picture, and then added Buddy Foote's Blog v.2 to the mix of websites on the server. If you wish to view my StumbleUpon page, then go here.

Enough with the talking of how I found these sites. Now it's time to show you the sites.

While using the Stumble button to look for websites, I came across a lot of games. Such as the basic titles of Asteroids and Tetris to the likes of a penguin-bashing game. They were rather fun and addicting like this title known as Doom Funnel Chasers. Some took parts of basic concepts like this game called Curve Ball which will remind some of speed hockey. Then we have the flash versions of basic board games like Battleship. Then if you want to sum it all up, play Bowman, a highly addicting game where you must kill the other player with bows and arrows. After all that game playing, test out your classic gaming sound knowledge by playing "What's That Game?".

Place the objects down and see your wonderful creations come to life when you interact with this weird flash-type program. It has tons of replay value as you place the sticks, circles, squares, and diamonds in all different locations on the left side of the screen while the "sonar" makes those objects "perty" on the right side of the screen. Confused? Check it out. It's great.

Even though this Links Galore! will be coming to a close soon (yes, I spent too much time playing addicting games besides searching for sites), you won't be unsatisifated with this next site. Or will you? Interested in ASCII art? Well then plop yourself down in front of the ASCII-O-Matic where you can turn your pictures into ASCII art which means your picture will be letters or blocks, both in color or black-and-white. Even better yet you can get it converted into HTML code for your own taking. So what's the matter with it? I can't get my own pictures onto the stinking ASCII-O-Matic. No, it does let you do it, but it won't work for me. Maybe for you, but not for me. A big problem in my case...

Like to download free things that are legal? Well then you like to download freeware! The Freeware World Team will bring you a huge server filled with freeware. I was looking at the selection it has and it's very promising. It even has religious programs for us to download. Rejoice fellow Christains! Plus it's international so if you're Japanese and don't understand English and what I'm typing right now, you can get the software you want in your language. Oops, I meant freeware. Most software costs money.

And this is just cool! What is it? This talented man can make portable NES, SNES, PSOne, and Atari gaming devices. And from what he states, they're sleek and work well. There's also pictures to back up the proof show this is a must-read, must-see. Now this guy should get a job doing this and sell these on Ebay, if he isn't already doing it.

And that is all for Links Galore! #2. There's nothing more to do than post pictures of my four cats. Why? Because I can. From left to right: Pepper, Patches, Pumpkin, Gizmo. Also note this as being the first post on this newer blog with pictures.

And that is all! Now I must get outside and do something before I get into serious trouble from being on the computer since seven this morning.

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